Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Judges 16:6 Ephesians 4::1 Hebrews 13:8 1/26/2016

Judges 16:6
So Delilah said to Samson, “Tell me the secret of your great strength and how you can be tied up and subdued.”

Are you a TV dinner or a casserole?  What I mean is, does your life look the same no matter where you dip into it, or is it compartmentalized with different ingredients in different areas?

Sampson was a gifted warrior for God.  Devoted and disciplined, he had taken a Nazarite vow, from birth.  He never drank alcohol, never cut his hair, and in many areas of his life he was rigorously committed to God.

However there was at least one area that Samson kept God out of... his love life. Sampson was not wise when it came to women, and was not interested in God's input in this area.   This would prove to be his Achilles heel and would cost him his eyes, and eventually his life.

So again I ask, are you a TV dinner or casserole?  Does your life look the same through and through, or are there areas of your life where God is not welcome?  Would the people you go to church with see the same guy if they visited your office, or does you life look different depending on where you dip into it.

If you're a TV dinner, what is your Delilah? .... Where is your Godless area?  Is it your career?  Your tongue?  Your marriage?...

If so, like Samson, the results can be disastrous.  You were created to consistently ".. walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called" Ephesians 4:1

Take an honest look in the mirror, and tear down any walls you have allowed in your heart.  Be so full of Christ that He permeates every area of your life. "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." Hebrews 13:8  Don't allow a Delilah to steal your integrity and eliminate your strength.

"Sincerity makes the very least person to be of more value than the most talented hypocrite."
- Charles Spurgeon

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Romans 6:6 John 14:26 Romans 7:24-25 Jeremiah 31 1/19/2016*11/11*

Romans 6:6  "For we know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body ruled by sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves to sin"

I recently had a 
conversation with some college buddies discussing why the old testament heroes seemed more flawed than those in  the new testament.
After some thought, I concluded that most old testament heroes were devastated by sin, in the long run.  - David lost his family and kingdom - Moses never entered the promised land - Noah struggled with alcohol...and the list goes on. Even men "after God's own heart" at times, seemed helpless against the ravages of sin in their lives.
While t
he heroes of the New testament seem to start off as thieves, hypocrites and murders, but in the long run became solid men of God willing to stand against sin, and die for their faith.

Unlike the old testament, the new testament uses words like victory and  freedom in reference to
 sin.  The disparity we had been discussing was the very reason there had to be a new arrangement.

The reason for a new covenant was the need of the Cross, and the gift of the Holy Spirit. "...the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you." John 14:26  

Holiness is not achieved, but received.  It is a gift, and we are also given a "Helper" to allow us to walk in it.  That is the gospel in a nutshell.  

If you attempt to walk without the Spirit then you too will fail in the long run. "Wretched man that I am! Who will set me free from the body of this death? Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord! (Romans 7:24-25) 

Take the gift, seek the Spirit...and live in victory over sin.

“Behold, the days are coming, says the LORD, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah,... I will put my law within them, and I will write it upon their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people." Jeremiah 31

It is without a doubt the most expensive gift you will ever receive.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

1 Peter 4:12 John 16:33 1 Peter 5:8 Gen 50:20 1/12/16

1 Peter 4:12 "Dear friends, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal that has come on you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you."

We have a tendency to think things should come easily for us.  With today's "everybody gets a trophy" mentality...it's easy to let an entitled, self centered  philosophy seep into your spiritual life.

The problem is it sets you up for disappointment.  Christ never said it would be easy.  In fact He said the opposite.  "In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)   We can expect victory, but we should not expect it without a fight.

We as Christians need to understand that satan is real, and  he "... prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour." (1 Peter 5:8) and his plan is to  "... steal and kill and destroy."(John 10:10).   He is described as your adversary, and the more you do for Christ, the more you can expect resistance.

You'll find it hard if you resolve to spend a few minutes reading the Word and praying every morning.  There will be obstacles if you decide to attend a christian concert, bible study,  or event. This is evidence of the battle, and should encourage your perseverance.

The enemy is real and active.  But if you put on the full armor of God, and walk in the Spirit...then after the battle, you will be more than victorious and blessed by the outcome.

"...you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result" (Gen 50:20)

This week take the attacks as confirmation you are moving in the right direction, and let the struggle solidify your commitment to the fight.  Don't fear it, don't be surprised by it, and because of who you serve, never stop short of victory.

“A river cuts through rock, not because of its power, but because of its persistence.”
Jim Watkins

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Psalm 119:11 Eph 6:17 Proverbs 7:1 1/5/16

Psalm 119:11 - " I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you."

Last week we talked about second chances...this week let's talk about what to do with them.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, and expecting a different outcome. Better results require a different plan.  The Word of God must be the key ingredient, if your plan is to improve.

In Ephesians, the only offensive weapon listed in the armor of God is "...the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God."(Eph 6:17)   If you want to change your life you need to combat sin, the Word of God is the weapon for that battle.

"My son, keep my words and store up my commands within you." (Prov. 7: 1)  Notice to be effective the Word is ... Hidden in our heart ... stored within us.  We have to submerse ourselves in scripture, until it becomes part of our DNA.

Do you want change?  Do you want 2016 to be the beginning of something amazing?  Then don't go into the battle without a Sword.  God's Word can not be just a part of your life, it has to be a part of you. Let it be your internal compass.   Let it be the "light unto your path".

This year, don't let the urgent overwhelm the important.

Open the Word of God each morning to start your day.  If you will "store up His commands within you.", it will produce an eternal change in your soul, and make you more than a conqueror.  You can win the battles, but only  by "the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God."

“The soul can do without everything except the word of God, without which none at all of its wants are provided for.” Martin Luther