Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Proverbs 26:1 3/28/2017

"As charcoal to embers and as wood to fire, so is a quarrelsome person for kindling strife."

Are you part of the problem, or part of the solution?

Some see it as a badge of honor to aggressively debate,  anyone who holds a different opinion. Truth and facts are not important, only winning matters, and if you destroy somebody in the process that's even better.  Social media has made arguing a spectator sport, it is our new form of entertainment.

However, scripture is clear that pain is the result of being argumentative.  Strife, and misery need fuel to exist,  and quarrelsome people provide it.  When you are around contentious people, the slightest provocation leads to an explosive response, like gasoline on a fire.

Have you bought into society's proposition that it is a sign of strength to always be ready to ignite a quarrel...or have you learned the art of snuffing out the flame?  Have you gone against the grain and learned to diffuse arguments rather than escalate them?

No doubt there are times when we must speak unpopular truth. But there is a difference in contending for what is right, and being contentious.

This week lets be peace-makers.  Let's pause before we react.  Instead of  our words being like metal on metal, let's wrap them in fur that won't cause sparks when received.  If we can come to the realization that understanding is as important as winning, we will learn to listen differently.  It might change our mind, but even if it doesn't, it will definitely change our tone.

....The power in what you say, lies in it's truth...not the volume in which it is said.

"It takes two to quarrel, but only one to end it."
Matthew Prior

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

2 Corinthians 5:21 John 8:36 3/21/2017

"He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him."

Do you struggle with guilt?  Is it hard to let go of things you have done in your past?

The enemy would have you believe this is because you are humble and know you're not worthy of forgiveness...in fact it is really the opposite. The inability to forgive yourself is actually thinly veiled self-centeredness.  It means you are focused on the wrong part of the equation.

This verse is very clear. Christ became, and then destroyed your sin.  In doing so he transferred His holiness to you.... you now stand in His perfection.

Pseudo-humility that insist on self debasement,  questions God's ability to forgive, and insist that the spotlight stay on us and our failures. Don't allow that.  Focus on God's power, not your deficiency.

Focus on the fact that you have been set free....walk away.  Don't look back.  The decay that wrecked your life has been obliterated.  It no longer exist..you are a new creation.  If you hear a voice condemning you for things in your past that have been covered by the blood of Christ...I assure you it is not God.  He would never pay such a price for partial forgiveness.

The greatest insult you can give to God is to imply that the blood of His Son was not enough.

Never entertain guilt again...Confess, repent and  accept forgiveness.  Drop the load you have been carrying for so long.  The ultimate price has been paid.  ... You are free and "if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." (John 8:36)

"Stop remembering what God has forgotten" - Anonymous 

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

1 Tim 2:3-4 John 15:16 3/14/2017

1 Timothy 2:3-4 "This is good and pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth."

John 15:16 "You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit"

Great theologians have argued over these verses for centuries. So I will not attempt to settle the Calvinism vs Armenian debate today.

But I will tell you that both verses are "God breathed" and complete truth.  The fact that our intellect cannot settle their co-existence is a reflection of our inability not their veracity.

Here is the clear truth that comes from these two passages of scripture.

If you are saved, it is not because you are smarter or better than those who are lost. It is not because your sin was less offensive to God than others.  It is because God chose to rescued an arrogant sinner who didn't even know he was lost until he was convicted by the Holy Spirit.  And because of God's great mercy He paid an unspeakable price, to redeemed you from your sin.

If you are not saved, it is not because God doesn't love you, or your sin is worse than others. It's not because Jesus didn't die for you. It is not because it is not God's will for you to be saved ...  It is simply because you have said that you do not need a Savior, and rejected the free gift of God.

So the bottom line is this: if you are saved, no one deserves credit but God, and if you are lost no one is to blame but you...and most importantly if you're reading this and lost, all of Heaven is hoping you will change that.

“We cross a line when we are more focused on mastering theology than on being mastered by Christ.”
- Greg Dutcher 

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Matthew 5:37 3/6/2017

"But let your statement 'Yes' be 'Yes,' and 'No,' 'No.' Anything more than these comes from evil."

Jesus is discussing the use of vows,  and swearing on objects to guarantee the validity of a statement or promise.  He clearly says not to do it.

The point is it shouldn't be necessary.  If you say yes, it should mean yes... and no should mean no. Elaborate declarations should not be required to assure people you are being truthful.

There should be no need for you to promise, or swear, or take a vow...if it comes out of your mouth it should be the truth, and everyone should know it.

God holds truth in much higher esteem then our society does.

We use words like slick, smooth, or polished as compliments for those who can twist the truth. While fib, white lies, and exaggeration are words used to gloss over what is in fact untruthfulness.

God is clear on this issue because He  knows there is nothing more devastating than a lie.  There is no doubt that many relationships have been wounded by the speaking of a hard truth. But a lie destroys the relationship, and the tools needed to repair it.  If words cannot be believed how can they bring healing?

The truth cuts clean, and heals quickly. But a lie rips and tears, and heals slowly... and always leaves a scar.

Live in such a way that no one questions your word...Be a man of integrity and  provide a firm foundation for strong, secure relationships.   At times it may be painful, but it gives hope for the future because it preserves trust.

You must decide that truth is always your only option... that is the non-negotiable price of integrity.

"If you have integrity, nothing else matters.  If you don't have integrity, nothing else matters."
- Harvey Mackay