Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Deuteronomy 8:2 12/25/2018*

Remember how the Lord your God led you all the way in the wilderness these forty years, to humble and test you in order to know what was in your heart, whether or not you would keep his commands.”

An often-quoted verses regarding Israel’s time in the wilderness is Numbers 32:13 “The LORD's anger burned against Israel and he made them wander in the wilderness for forty years”.

To us the word “wander” implies being lost, but that was not the case for Israel.  This verse in Deuteronomy states that God was leading them during that time.

Israel was suffering the consequences of their iniquity. They were enduring the penalties for their sin…. but they were not abandoned, and they were not alone. God was leading them every step of the way.

At times during the Christmas holidays, we can feel alone.  Our failures seem to be highlighted. When we have time to reflect, the consequences of our sin appear magnified.

As others celebrate, it is easy to fall into sadness and depression thinking our failures have ruined relationships and circumstances beyond repair.

But while sin causes hurt, God does not waste pain. And while at times we feel lost, God is still leading our journey and there is purpose in the struggle.

The nation of Israel felt lost and hopeless, but God stilled loved them.  He led them, met their needs, and protected them as their hearts were being tested and strengthened.

If you are “wandering” during this season take comfort in the fact that God is with you…There is still a plan and you are still part of it.

Humble yourself and examine your heart. Keep his commands and know that there is a purpose in the pain.

Cling to the fact that nothing can diminish the bond you have with your Heavenly Father and find peace in knowing you are not lost…He is with you, and He is leading you through the wilderness.

“Sometimes life takes you into a dark place where you feel it's impossible to breathe. You think you've been buried, but don't give up, because the truth is, you've actually been planted.”
― Karen Gibbs

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Luke 19:10 12/18/2018*

“For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.”

Jingle bells, hot chocolate, and snowmen are a great part of the holiday season… but this verse details the actual meaning of Christmas.

Jesus wasn’t sent to improve your life. He didn’t come to advance your situation, or to give you techniques to develop your career.

He came on a rescue mission. To seek and to save you … and the reason you needed seeking and saving is because you were lost. Not just a little confused or off course…you were utterly and completely lost.

So, God sent a solution. He sent a Savior. Jesus isn’t an addition to your life, He is your Redeemer.  He has completely altered your identity and destination and that is the true message of Christmas.

You were imprisoned and in great danger. You were in a hopeless situation that was unsolvable with your own strength.  And on a Holy night 2000 years ago a mission was launched to rescue you.

A child was born who would grow up and die for you.  Not to make you better, but to make you new....a clean slate with “paid in full” stamped on your old ledger. To give you a Redeemed life with a new direction and purpose.

If you are just looking to improve your situation by adding things to your life, then watch the shopping network, and infomercials.  But if you have realized that you need a Savior. If it has dawned on you that you need to be reborn and made new.  Then fall to your knees and thank God for Christmas.

“For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.” …and you and I were lost… but Christmas morning He came to find us, pay our debt, and set us free.

“The heart of the gospel is redemption, and the essence of redemption is the substitutionary sacrifice of Christ. “- Charles Spurgeon

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

2 Corinthians 9:7 12/11/2018*

“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”

God doesn’t need your money. 

When it comes to giving, it is you that has a need… There is a freedom in joyful giving that God loves to see in His children.

“Generosity” is a lifestyle that produces happiness for both the recipient and the contributor.

When our kids were young, we had a fun Christmas tradition. We would give them an envelope of cash entitled “Nacho” money. They would pray about it… and give it away.  

Maybe to a church, a ministry, a friend, someone on the street…it didn’t matter, whatever the Spirit of God put on their heart to do with the money…that is what they did.

They loved it…it taught them to be cheerful givers and helped them realize that through generosity they received more than they gave. 

If you haven’t learned yet that all of it is “Nacho” money… that none of it really belongs to you…then you are missing a great joy in life.

This Christmas focus on giving instead of getting.  Create special, individualized gifts for people in your life.  Put love and forethought into the process creating something that really illustrates your love for them. 

Consider all the organizations, people, churches, and groups that you want to bless with extravagant monetary gifts and do that as well.

When January arrives…just keep going. Support your church. Support your friends. Make it your life business to find those in need and help them.

God loves a cheerful giver and your joy will increase exponentially if you discover the freedom found in joyful generosity. 

“No one has ever become poor by giving.” -  Anne Frank

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Isaiah 43:1-2 12/4/2018*

 “…I have summoned you by name; you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you…”

Loneliness and unhappiness can be a heavy load to bear.  Feeling like you are all alone can at times feel suffocating.

The world can isolate you…its harsh judgments and cold neglect can take away any feeling of self-worth, and the enemy will attack and lead you to a place of fear and hopelessness.

But that place is a lie.

God has no desire for you to be alone and the bible is the story of what He has done to reunite you to Himself.  Christmas, the Cross, the Resurrection…all combine for the sole purpose of restoring the fellowship He desires to have with you.

The truth is you are God’s chosen…He adores you.  He specifically called you by your name. There is no greater value than to be treasured by God.

The enemy’s greatest fear is that you will realize this and use the strength that is rooted in that truth.  Your royalty is your strength. If you can remember God’s adoration for you it will fill you will joy and confidence and direct your vision outward. 

God didn’t issue a general call…He didn’t summon a group. He sent you a private invitation…. He called you by your name… He loves you and cherishes time with you…God enjoys your company and longs to throw His arms around you and shower you with the love of a Father for His child.

Nothing you face today can change that. You are His, and whatever you go through today He will go through it with you … you are not alone.

Rest in that. Take His hand and set out today to rescue others who have believed the lie.  The truth in this verse is clear …you belong to God.

He is a faithful friend – a friend that sticketh closer than a brother."

-      Dwight L. Moody

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

1 Thessalonians 5:18 11/27/2018*

“Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”

In this age of drama and self-centeredness, as the world falls to the ground in the fetal position when they don’t get their way --- is the church any different?

We Christians have become very good at righteous indignation but seem to have forgotten thankfulness and contentment.  We have drifted away from optimism and appreciation and moved toward being critical and pessimistic.

So, here’s the problem with that – this verse emphatically says it is God’s will that we be thankful…not dramatic…not incensed…not offended…but thankful. - If you asked ten people to describe the church in one word, how many do you suppose would say “thankful”?

We often say we are searching for the “will of God” as we face certain circumstances …this says it is God’s will for you be thankful in “all” circumstances …search is over.

OK, so how do I do that?  When things go opposite of what I want…do I just paste an ignorant smile on my face and say thank you? Am I, as a Christian, supposed to appear unaware of what is happening?... of course not.

Your thankfulness is a byproduct of being informed of the truth not being ignorant of it. You are thankful because you know something the world doesn’t know.

The key is the last three words in the verse… “in Christ Jesus”. These three words change everything.  Because of Christ Jesus and what He did on the cross… you are assured of two truths: 
 1.   He has demonstrated He is powerful enough to deliver you.
2.  He has proven He loves you, and how far he will go to redeem you.

“In Christ Jesus” gives you a concrete reason for thankfulness and confidence in all circumstances.

No matter what you face today, God is not pacing the floor… He has not lost control, and He will work all things together for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28)

That is a non-negotiable promise, and that is something to be grateful for….

Take a breath…be thankful, it will make people wonder what you know, that they don’t… And when they ask you, be prepared to tell them. It may be that your circumstance will be used to bring one more soul to Heaven.

“If there was ever a secret for unleashing God’s powerful peace in a situation, it’s developing a heart of true thanksgiving.”
 –Lysa Terkeurst

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Psalms 73: 2-3 11/20/2018*

“But as for me, my feet had almost slipped; I had nearly lost my foothold. For I envied the arrogant when I saw the prosperity of the wicked.”

Even David, a man after God’s own heart, can get distracted by the inequities of life.

Have you ever seen people suffer, and questioned God for allowing it? Have there been times that the wicked appeared to win, and you have wondered why? 

David almost lost his footing from this...  He almost forgot who God was because he didn’t understand what God did… He was consumed with the question of why God allowed what appeared to be injustice.

…. at this point in the blog I am supposed to explain everything with some clever saying our illustration…. but I can’t … because I don’t know why either… and I, like David, can stumble from it.  

This attack from the enemy is not something new, it started back in the garden… the first sin occurred when satan convinced Adam and Eve to question who God is, because they didn’t understand what He did, and we’ve been falling for the same ploy ever since.

I used to believe that when I got to heaven and finally saw the complete picture that I would say “Okay…I get it now God. You were right.” But I don’t believe that anymore… Instead I think it will stand silent … as it will be so apparent that God is perfect that I will be embarrassed that I ever questioned Him. It is a risky practice to call the Supreme God to the bar of human reason. 

So instead of focusing on what I don’t know of God I will focus on what I do know.  I know He loves me… He has proven it time and time again… 
So, I will meditate on that.

Like David at the end of this psalm, when I am confused I will say … “you hold me by my right hand. You guide me with your counsel, and afterward you will take me into glory. Whom have I in heaven but you?” (Psalm 73:25)

I don’t fully understand the power of the Sun, yet I still bask in its warmth…In the same way, when I don’t understand God’s plan, I will remember He is holding my hand, and I will rest in His amazing grace and love for me… that is a foothold I will never lose.

“God is too good to be unkind and He is too wise to be mistaken. And when we cannot trace His hand, we must trust His heart.”
- Charles Spurgeon

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Isaiah 29:13 11/13/2018*

The Lord says: “These people come near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. Their worship of me is based on merely human rules they have been taught.

When is the last time you really spent time in worship?

God sees the heart, and He is not satisfied with a shallow, mechanical relationship with His children.

From the Old to the New Testament - everything God has done, was done so He could have fellowship with us.

It took a detailed plan, massive sacrifice, and loving patience to get us here…and He did it all, so we could be with Him.

Human history is the story of God’s plan to truly love us, by giving us a choice - and then restoring fellowship between a perfect God and His imperfect children when we fell …  this amazing feat is documented from Genesis to Revelation

Yet we cling to “human rules” and go to church to check the box…. during the worship music we think about where we are going to lunch - and drift off during the sermon wondering about our afternoon plans.  During the week we habitually complete our “quiet times” and say a quick prayer before we head out to handle the "important things" of life.

That was not the reason for the Cross. 

God has no desire to be part of your routine. He is not impressed with your church attendance record, or even your journaling…He wants your heart…He bought and paid for it.

The Gospel is about companionship.  It is the story of the massive price tag paid for your relationship with God.

Don’t allow your good habits and routines to interfere with the greatness of a relationship to a Loving Father who longs to spend time with you.

You are His child…go into the Throne Room, crawl into your daddy’s lap and let the King hold you while you rest - and let your heart cherish being with Him.

…. That is, and always has been the plan.

“Treat the Lord Jesus Christ as a personal friend. His is not a creed, a mere doctrine, but it is He Himself we have.”
-  Dwight L. Moody

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Philippians 1: 27 11/6/2018*

"Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ."

I don’t have a fish sticker on my car…. It is not because I am ashamed of the Gospel. It is because I am ashamed of my representation of the gospel when I am behind the wheel.

This verse says to conduct myself in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ, but what does that mean? …how can I live worthy of the greatest message ever given to mankind?

We have been told to be perfect as He is perfect … but the entire reason for the Gospel or the “Good News” is that, even though I fail …I have achieved perfection through His holiness.

So, what does it mean to live a life worthy of that message?

It means I honor God’s holiness by never lowering the bar - but humbly forgive myself and others when we miss it.

It means I don’t water down the message, but I extend grace to myself and others when we fail.

I means I call sin, sin and walk in obedience -- not to exalt myself --- but to glorify God and help others. 

The Gospel would not be necessary if I could live flawlessly… but my perfection must be found in the blood of Jesus on the Cross.

So, a life worthy of that message is a life of gratitude and determination to please God…and a heart full of compassion for those not yet delivered from the darkness that once ruled me.

Need a goal today?  Walk in a manner worthy of the news that God has made you perfect.  Walk as a convicted sinner who has been pardoned… and be prepared to offer that same pardon to everyone you meet. 

That is the Gospel…and it changes everything.

“The wisdom of God, devised a way for the love of God, to deliver sinners from the wrath of God, while not compromising the righteousness of God.”
― John Piper

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Exodus 36:6-7 10/30/2018*

Then Moses gave an order and they sent this word throughout the camp: “No man or woman is to make anything else as an offering for the sanctuary.” And so the people were restrained from bringing more, because what they already had was more than enough to do all the work.”

When is the last time your church issued a restraining order to stop you from giving? …

The Israelites were so excited about the Sanctuary that Moses had to tell them to stop giving to the building fund. That seems to be very different than the “marketing campaigns” run by many churches today. 

Why is that?

No doubt there are some churches with greedy leaders that simply always want more…but much of the problem is that we, the members, have become complacent and always want to give less. 

What would happen if we changed our focus and became so enthusiastic about the work of the Kingdom that we had to be restrained from giving our money, our energy, and our time? 

If we were as excited about the sanctuary as Moses’ congregation was what would the church look like today? 

The children’s ministry would have to ask people to stop volunteering to work the nursery. We would have to partner with retirement homes to find enough widows for all those who wanted care for them. And the need for pledge drives and building campaigns would disappear.

In other words, the Church would look like it was intended to look…a giving, growing, vibrant organization that blesses those around it with the gospel.

So, you have two choices…
1.  You can complain that the leadership in your church is too greedy, and that others don’t give enough…. or…
2.  You can give and serve…. let God use your resources to further His Kingdom

This Sunday when you go to church, don’t go to be catered to, or to be entertained. 

This Sunday go on a recon mission and find what needs to be done at your church. What area needs funds to grow, what department needs volunteers? … How can you help?

Find a need that you have the ability to fill. Then take care of it…and do it big. Try to out give God…you can’t … but you will be blessed for trying. 

Since spreading the Gospel is the mission of the church, there is nothing more worthy of your effort and investment.

"You can always give without loving, but you can never love without giving."
- Amy Carmichael

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Matthew 15:14 10/23/2018*

“Leave them; they are blind guides. If the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit.”

Jesus is referring to the religious leaders of the day who spoke of righteousness yet walked in sin.  He called them blind guides because their sin had blocked their vision and led them into dangerous areas… what about you?... Has your spiritual vision led you into, or out of sin?

We love to talk about grace, but what about repentance and obedience? 

If you encourage repentance to someone controlled by sin, they will not only disagree with you, they won’t even understand what your saying.  They are slaves to sin…it’s not that they don’t agree…they don’t see it. They are blind to their own condition.

Sin is darkness.  It disguises itself as freedom as it slips the chains of slavery onto its prisoner… if you doubt that look around.

We are surrounded by people publicly celebrating their liberty, while privately living the hellish torment of addiction and despair. Openly professing freedom, while secretly living in bondage.

Suggesting repentance of sin may be offensive to some, but it is the only redemption available to those living in chains.  Preaching repentance, is preaching grace.

Grace is what brings light to your darkness - it is what breaks the chains of sin and allows you to walk away.

Don’t just talk about grace, use it … How foolish would it be to sit locked in a dungeon with the key in your pocket? ... Use grace to leave your dark prison cell and walk in the light of forgiveness and freedom.

God’s grace is not just to make you feel better…it is to clear your vision, change your life, and set you free.

“Sin is to the mind; what Fog is to the highway” - Charles Stanley

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Ephesians 6:12 10/16/2018*

"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."

The first step in winning a war is identifying the enemy.

Paul is pointing out to the Ephesian Christians who the enemy is not… the enemy is not their neighbors … not those who don’t believe.  They may appear to be the adversary, but they are in fact being controlled by a much more insidious foe. This verse says we must focus our attack on the real opponent.  

In medicine we don’t treat an illness by killing the person who has it…we identify the pathogen and attack it specifically. The same amount of care is taken in not damaging the patient, as is taken in destroying the offending microbe.  This is how we must target and attack sin

It seems we have lost this truth in our society today. 

Instead, we employ a “scorched earth” mentality and eliminate with great hostility anyone who gives the slightest hint of disagreement. The problem is we attack the person not the powers that have blinded them. By destroying the host, we do the job of the disease, instead of curing it.

Our enemy is spiritual.  It blinds people, it lies to people, it confuses people. Its stated objective is to steal, kill, and destroy. 

We cannot fight this foe by stealing people’s self-worth, killing their value, and destroying their hope. Our fight is not against them, and our aggression must not be directed at them.

The remedy for the illness is to “speak the truth in love”, and the antidote must be applied precisely to be effective. 

If you speak the truth without love it will be rejected.

If you water down the truth it is no longer truth - and allowing people to comfortably continue toward their own destruction is not love.

So, you must know who you are fighting…and know who you are not.  Attack the sin not the sinner.  Don’t tolerate the sickness… but don’t kill the patient.

There are powers in this dark world that seek to destroy us…don’t help them. 

Go on a “seek and destroy” mission today.  Seek and love the lost … and destroy the enemy who has them blinded.

"Have we not come to such an impasse in the modern world that we must love our enemies? … hate begetting hate, wars producing more wars - must be broken, or else we shall be plunged into the dark abyss of annihilation."
- Martin Luther King Jr.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Acts 9:13-15 10/9/2018*

“Then Ananias answered, “Lord, I have heard from many about this man, how much harm he has done to Your saints in Jerusalem. And here he has authority from the chief priests to bind all who call on Your name.” But the Lord said to him, “Go, for he is a chosen vessel of Mine…”

Amazing Grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me…. but maybe not so much you.

God had just told Ananias to go help Paul.  But Paul was the leader of the group responsible for rounding up, imprisoning, and killing God’s people. He was their “Hitler”, and not shy about his commitment to wiping out all “Christ followers”.

So naturally Ananias assumed (as I probably would have) that someone needed to explain to God that Paul did not deserve assistance.

Isn’t it amazing how clearly, we see the power of grace when it is offered to us - yet question its life altering power when it is applied to others.

Have you ever felt the need to enlighten God when He calls you to witness to someone you deem unworthy? 
Are there times when you think people of the opposite political party are undeserving of the mercy of Christ?  
Would you say the gospel just slightly changes people, so it shouldn’t be wasted on those who are deep in sin?

When God hears the hesitation in Ananias’ voice His answer is “Go” … His answer to you is the same.   

The price of Paul’s redemption for his murderous, attacks on Christians was a bloody cross on Calvary. The price of your sin is identical.

You have been healed of a terminal illness… yet you hesitate to communicate with others because they are sick?  Look in the mirror of your past. You will see the same symptoms in your old life that you use to disqualify others today.

Go tell them what God said! 

That person God has put on your heart may be a chosen vessel, and your obedience could change history.  You tell them the truth and leave the results in God’s hands.

The Lord is not interested in your opinion of His plan, or the potential you see in others…He is interested in your obedience….

So, when God says “go tell them about me”…. go!

If your Gospel isn't touching others, it hasn't touched you!
--Curry R. Blake

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Luke 15:21-22 10/2/2018*

“The son declared, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son.’ But the father said to his servants, ‘Quick! Bring the best robe and put it on him. Put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet”

The prodigal son had rehearsed his speech… he believed his actions had forfeited any right to be considered a family member, so he was going home to simply try to get a job.

While that sounds humble…it is illogical. The flaw in his logic was to believe he could do something, to lose the thing he had done nothing to gain…his sonship.

He had forgotten that his actions could not impact his lineage. The boy had focused on his depraved condition…but the Father as always, had focused on his position as His son.

So, when the prodigal began his speech, the father interrupted him and commanded that his son be clothed and treated in a way worthy of his position as child of the father.

This is our story.

We have all believed that somehow, we have forfeited our sonship because we fail.

We come to God guarded, ready to negotiate some lesser relationship because we have sinned ….and in the middle of our speech God interrupts us… He says bring the robe and a ring…start preparations for the celebration…my child is back, and my heart is overjoyed at his return.

When the son comes home, the father in this story forgives his failures…but our story has one more element…The Cross.  

Our Father not only forgives but removes our failures. He covers them and remembers them no more…it is as though they never happened.

The “great lie” is that God forgives you, but He’s mad about it…. The truth is He not only forgives you, but covers, removes, and forgets your sin. He gives you His holiness, so your relationship with Him will be without blemish.

God is watching…just waiting for you to turn around. He will run to meet you.

Not with a list of failures, but with a robe and a ring worthy of your position as His son.  Stop running the wrong direction and return to your Father who has already paid your debts and erased your failures.

He is not interested in your speech…He’s interested in your heart. Just, turn around and come home.

"No matter how far wrong you've gone, you can always turn around."
  - Anonymous

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Exodus 14:15-16 9/25/2018*

“Then the Lord said to Moses, “Why are you crying out to me? Tell the Israelites to move on. Raise your staff and stretch out your hand over the sea to divide the water so that the Israelites can go through the sea on dry ground.”

God had just finished unleashing plagues on Egypt in order to free His people from 400 years of captivity.

The Lord Himself had triumphantly led them out, providing shade by day, and fire by night.  At long last, His people were following God toward the promised land and freedom.

But after they left, Pharaoh changed his mind and the Egyptian army came after them. The Israelites saw the army, panicked, and cried out to God.  

In an instant, things changed from a celebratory parade, to a chaotic assembly paralyzed with fear - questioning Moses as to why he had brought them out to the desert to die.

But when they froze in their fear and protested…God asked why are you crying out to me?... my plan has not changed…. keep walking.

So, the question today is… has your fear caused you to hesitate?... are you crying out to God when He has already told you what to do?

In the middle of your deliverance have you stopped to complain because you are ignoring the miracles He has already done to secure your freedom?

God’s advice to the Israelites is to “move on”.  His advice to you is the same….

Don’t stop in the middle of the exodus to complain about possible obstacles…those obstacles are not your problem.

Your job is to follow Him out.

Pursue God knowing He will lead you to the promised land. Knowing any difficulty is just another opportunity for God to demonstrate His power.  Not only will you not perish in the Red Sea… you won’t even get your shoes wet…God has promised you will cross on dry ground.  

The Lord will deliver you.  But the water doesn’t part until you get to it.  Manna is only supplied one day at a time. Your needs will be met as they become needs… Keep walking.

Do not fear. He is not sending you out. He is leading you out. You are not alone.

Trust Him completely…. take the next step. He knows your destination, and He is going with you.

“You can’t expect God to guide your steps if you’re not willing to move your feet.” – Unknown

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Genesis 3:9 9/18/2018*

“Then the LORD God called to the man, and said to him, "Where are you?”

The first recorded question God ask of mankind is “where are you?” …and it is not because He didn’t know.

He already knows where and why we are hiding. We have been doing it since the first failure. It seems to always be our response to sin.

Our first instinct is to run and conceal ourselves from God because we are sure He will be disappointed, or angry, or both, so we hide.

But God’s response to our sin is to pay for it …in the garden He spilled blood to make clothes to cover their nakedness. On the Cross He spilled blood to cover our depravity.

Sin should make us run… but to God, not away from Him.

He is the only shelter we have… and to hide from Him is the equivalent of the sick hiding from a doctor.  It is counter-intuitive.

Determine instead to run to God with your sin. Decide to come clean with God and leave nothing hidden in your heart. The enemy would have you conceal yourself in darkness, but God would have you run into the light. There is freedom in transparency.

He has made you clean.

God has paid for what you are hiding. He as removed the burden you are carrying.  He has defeated the enemy you are fighting against.

The Cross not only covered your sin, it re-opened the Garden. 

It allows you to walk with your Father in the beauty of His creation and never hide form His presence again.  There is no need to hide when you are holy...and your holiness is permanent.

 …the war is over, you can come out now.

“Love makes your soul crawl out from its hiding place.”
- Zora Neale Hurston

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Daniel 2:22 9/11/2018*

“He reveals deep and hidden things; he knows what lies in darkness, and light dwells with him.”

Hiding is exhausting, yet we make it our full-time job.

We carefully put on our disguise at home, at the office, and on social media.  Our perfectly crafted image can have no cracks or blemishes as the world must think we are flawless.

But inside we are a mess.  Lost children full of fear and doubt. Completely alone and isolated, believing we are the only person in our circle that is tarnished…and that no one would love us if they knew the truth.

That is a lie.

You are not alone. We are all broken.

The glorious truth is we do not confess our sin to God, so He will know about it….  We confess, to remind us that God is already aware of it and loves us anyway.

He knows the filth. He knows your darkness and yet He cherishes you….

Like fungus…sin grows in the dark. Drag your depravity in front of God because in Him is light…and light kills sin.  Drop the charade. Stop hiding your flaws. Your scars are made beautiful by His scars.

Be who He made you to be... No one loves a work of art like the artist and your heavenly Father could not be more in love with you. That fact allows you to break the chains of pretending and become the masterpiece God intended you to be…The holy light that dwells with God will pierce your night and drive the darkness away.

He knows about everything you have hidden from the world … it is paid for, you are redeemed, and He adores you.

"Don’t measure God’s love by your feeling. The sun shines as clearly in the darkest day as it does in the brightest. The difference is not in the sun, but in some clouds, which hinder the manifestation of its light."  - Richard Sibbes

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Habakkuk 1:5 9/4/2018*

“Look at the nations and watch — and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told.”

Never mistake God’s patience for weakness.

We tend to believe that God is incapable or uninterested if He doesn’t act according to our timeline.  But God says if we wait He will do more than we can imagine.

God is more powerful than we are able to comprehend and His answer to the prophet Habakkuk’s complaint about evil in the world is simply “hide and watch”. 

At times we focus so much on the love and compassion of God, that we forget His breathtaking power, and tremendous righteousness… We begin to view God as a sweet, feeble old grandfather, and nothing could be further from the truth.

Confidence begins when stand in awe of the majesty and authority of The Great “I Am”, and ask the question, who am I that you even acknowledge me? (Psalms 8:4). When you get a glimpse of God’s magnificence, you stop worrying about Him being ignored, and start worrying about those who ignore Him.

If you find yourself irritated by the grace He shows to those who do evil, you have missed the point. Instead, like Christ on the cross, you should be asking God to forgive them because they have no idea who they are dealing with… they ignore Him at their peril… not His.

God has this…

He is not pacing the floor and His plan is in motion. Stand back and let God be God. You be His child and tell others the good news of the cross while there is still time.

“A man can no more diminish God’s glory by refusing to worship Him than a lunatic can put out the sun by scribbling the word ‘darkness’ on the walls of his cell.” -  C.S. Lewis