Tuesday, June 30, 2020

2 Corinthians 8:2 6/30/2020*

In the midst of a very severe trial, their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty welled up in rich generosity.”

Read that verse again…Does that make sense to you?

Paul is describing the Church at Macedonia which had been decimated by three civil wars, persecuted by the Jews, and existed in dismal poverty. When this church got squeezed …. Joy and generosity came out.

What comes out of you when you are put under pressure?

I’ve been watching a series on TV called “Alone”. Ten people are dropped off by themselves into the wilderness and the last one to “tap out” wins the game. I have noticed that one of the most important determining factors is a good attitude.  A positive outlook is not developed in the wilderness, but it is revealed there. What is inside comes out when tested.  

Like the contestants on “Alone” we all think we have endurance – but it is not endurance until you are exhausted …Stamina is not stamina until you want to quit…So, as you grow weary what is overflowing out of your life?

As we collectively endure the current trials, it is a good opportunity to examine your response to hard times. If you do not like what is coming out of you - change what you have been putting in... 

Confidence in a loving Father gives you the ability to choose - joy, and generosity.  If that is what you desire – then fill your heart with Faith.  Draw close to God and drink in His word. Spend time in prayer, meditating on His promises. Change what goes into your heart, and it will change what comes out of your mouth.

Allow the Holy Spirit to fill you with truth – and it will change your attitude. What the enemy has intended to harm you will instead produce strength and joy…what causes anxiety in others will not disturb the peace of God which sustains you.

Unlike the participants on the show, you are not alone.  Choose to focus on that fact and it will provide strength that is internal, and unwavering. 

When put under pressure – a heart filled with the Spirit of God will overflow with joy and generosity– which will make your response to difficulties a beautiful thing that attracts others to your source of strength.

“Your problem isn’t the problem, it’s your attitude about the problem.” - Ann Brashares

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Mark 6:30-31 6/23/2020*

“The apostles gathered around Jesus and reported to him all they had done and taught. Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them, “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.”

When is the last time you took Jesus up on this invitation?

The disciples had just returned from missionary journeys and they were telling Jesus all about it.  But people were crowding in and Jesus recognized that His guys were tired.

He didn’t say “suck it up and keep pushing” …He said, “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.”

It did not matter that the disciples were doing important work - or that Jesus knew that time was running out… Christ saw their need and chose to meet it by spending time with them.

What has you so busy today that you can’t be alone with Jesus?  What are you doing FOR Him that is preventing you from being WITH Him? 

You might need to re-evaluate what is essential. You might be allowing the urgent to overshadow the important…and that can be a costly mistake.

Jesus is not worried about the unfinished projects in your life. If you need more time He has already demonstrated that he can add hours to your day (Joshua 10) so your desperation is unnecessary.

He loves you…He sees your exhaustion and His response is “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.”

So, what are you waiting for? … turn off your phone for a few minutes...you will survive… and it will allow you step off the treadmill and relax in His tranquility.

Why would we ignore such a beautiful invitation? Nothing will impact your day like isolated time in a quiet place studying His Word and praying.  If you have been too busy lately…go with Him now to a quiet place and rest.

It is bewildering that we would prefer to franticly peddle - than meet with the one who will allow us to mount up with wings as eagles.

Take a breath…Wait on the Lord …. He has this. 

“I have so much to do that I shall spend the first three hours in prayer.”
― Martin Luther

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Matthew 28:19-20 6/16/2020*

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” 

After the resurrection, as Jesus prepared to ascend into Heaven - He gave us marching orders… “Go and make disciples.”

It seems we have altered the orders and have become satisfied to stay and judge, instead of going and making. 

In football terms, Jesus’ says to play offense.  His directive has four parts - go, make, baptize, teach…These are all verbs calling for action to gain ground for the Kingdom of God.

First - “go” … find the lost…not lure them to church. Do not stay where you are comfortable - launch a rescue mission and go and get them.

Second - He says make disciples – Not win arguments…not embarrass them for not knowing the truth – love them onto the team - make them followers…and teach them how to live like Jesus.

Third “baptize” – baptism symbolizes death and rebirth…There is no hint of self-help here…Jesus did not say “go help them improve”…He said, go make them aware of their inability to be righteous - and allow the Holy Spirit to redeem them and make them new creations.

Finally, He says - teach them to obey my commands. He did not say make them comfortable in their sin…or find loopholes in scripture so it is acceptable to the culture…” He said, “Teach them to obey everything I have commanded you.” These are not suggestions and the offer is non-negotiable. The truth is all we have to offer.

The great commission was not a sales pitch…It was a directive from the Creator of the Universe to move forward… Do not misunderstand…defense is important – we abstain from sin, we resist temptation, we avoid unholiness…but our orders are to advance.

Re-evaluate your plan today.  Are you advancing…or are you just trying not to lose?  God says nothing can separate us from His love. Our salvation is sealed by His blood – no need to play prevent defense - so play to win.

Find the lost, love them, convert them, baptize them, and teach them. Have no fear – run to the battle and change the world for the better. - Go!

“Making disciples of Jesus is the overflow of the delight in being disciples of Jesus.” ― David Platt

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Jonah 2:8 6/9/2020*

“Those who cling to worthless idols turn away from God’s love for them.”

The first commandment says “…have no other gods before Me.” That means that nothing should impact my life more than Christ. Nothing should have more influence on my temperament or my opinion - than my relationship with God.

If something does – I have an idol – and Idols distract me from God’s love.

Like many of you - I have been upset lately. There has been a sadness that is understandable with all the sickness, violence, and anger around us - but there was something else…an anxiety that was oppressive…a feeling of hopelessness.

In that situation I should turn to God… but I did not.  I turned from God to an Idol…or maybe I should call it an I-dol.  My phone.

When I was anxious I searched social media. When worried I checked the news sites.  I was constantly reading opinions and viewpoints as though they had power. I was scrolling through a worthless idol unsuccessfully searching for tranquility.

So, I stopped. 

I spent a day away from social media and news.  When I felt anxious - I searched God’s Word - not Facebook. When I was sad I went to my knees - not twitter.

The change was immediate. The oppressiveness lifted, and the power of prayer became my weapon. It transformed me…I regained my footing and I was able to respond in positive ways instead of being paralyzed by dread.

You should do the same – stay informed …fight illness and evil – love your neighbor - Think for yourself - research -  have compassionate conversations… but when you get fatigued and afraid do not run to an Idol for validation… run to Christ.

Do not cling to anything for stability but your Heavenly Father – If there is an issue too big for God - then allow fear to rule your day…but if not move forward in faith - not hopelessness. 

This is not a political post - nor the place for political responses. This is about idols - and what you run to in times of trouble. If you are adrift in a sea of anxiety and defeatism during these storms - you may have chosen the wrong anchor.

“For I am the LORD your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.” – God

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Romans 8:1 6/2/2020*

“Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus…”

Read that again…. “No condemnation…”

Do we believe that?...If so, why don’t we live like it?

We tend to marginalize salvation.  We accept the Cross but act as though we still need to win our passage into heaven. As though it is a partial payment to get us close enough to earn it.

There is no “close enough” …You are either dead without Christ - or - you are completely alive in Christ…no middle ground.

So, decide which you are …if you have accepted Christ as Lord and Savior…stand on that.

There is no condemnation, no judgement, no criticism… you have been pronounced innocent and can live in freedom. Any accusation otherwise is a lie that comes from the enemy.  

Jesus told the woman caught in adultery she was not condemned and to go her way and sin no more.  He did not say go your way and be miserable…or go your way and be branded an adulterer…just repent and live in the love and forgiveness purchased for you at Calvary.

He tells us to do the same thing.  Through the Cross, you are perfect in the eyes of the Lord - and if that does not produce joy and freedom in you, then you don’t understand the statement.

No sin can neutralize the power of the blood of God’s only begotten Son, and to believe otherwise robs you of the Joy of the Lord…and that robs you of your strength. (Nehemiah 8:10)

How can we as Christians walk around in hopelessness? We have been saved. Paul says this world’s “…momentary troubles” pale in comparison to the eternal glory we have been promised. (2 Cor. 4:17)

Are you letting earthly circumstances destroy eternal joy?... Stop minimizing the gift… Everything changed on Easter morning and you should live accordingly.

The world is dark right now. It needs light. If you are in Christ, you have the only true light living inside you.  Shine it into the night. 

Have endurance…love others, Exude joy and faith, and people will be attracted like moths to a flame…when they ask – tell them the truth….you are in Christ… you are blameless, the heavy burden of sin has been removed and you are free…and they can be too.

satan says: “look at your sin”
God says: “look at my Son”
- anonymous