Tuesday, November 29, 2022

PSALM 19:7-10 11/29/2022*

“The Law of the Lord is perfect, restoring the soul; The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple. The precepts of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart; The commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes.”

God has provided directives that are steadfast and true …. The question is do you plan to follow them?

God has given laws, testimony, precepts, and commandments that make the way clear. Unfortunately, our culture has deemed many of these to be strange, and offensive. We have “corrected” God and altered His instructions. Some denominations have gone so far as to formally reject God’s teachings and “cherry pick” the laws that better fit their lifestyle.

The church has its finger in the air to see which way the wind is blowing and has started following instead of leading. Our pastors have replaced laws with suggestions, testimony with opinions, and commandments with recommendations. Fear of the Lord has become unfashionable, and wisdom has become exceedingly rare.   

It is understandable when those who have no compass drift off course, but the church is without excuse. The commandments of God are clear, and our detours are not unintentional, they are rebellion.

The laws of God are nonnegotiable. Facts don’t change based on our opinion of them, and truth doesn’t adjust to fit societal norms… The laws of nature say that if you put your hand in a fire you will get burned…you may disagree, but your opinion doesn’t change the truth – and you will become aware of that as soon as you choose to ignore it.

God’s laws are the same. The Bible explains God’s love for you and tells you how to enjoy this miraculous life He has provided you. It also tells you how to avoid being burned by sin.   

Follow His laws - or don’t - the choice is yours…But know that ignoring The Truth doesn’t change it…You can disagree, be offended, or even outlaw it – but the fact remains that if you put your hand in the fire you will quickly realize that God is telling the truth - and that His laws are not there to burden you, they are there to protect you.

"The Law of God sends us to Christ in order that we might be saved, and Christ returns us to the Law to frame our way of life." - Alistair Begg 

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Colossians 1: 9-10 11/22/2022*

“For this reason we also, since the day we heard about it, have not ceased praying for you and asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding,  so that you will walk in a manner worthy of the Lord…”

What was the “reason” Paul was praying for the church in Colossae? Were they organizing a revival?  Was there a planned membership drive?

Nope - He was praying unceasingly that those who had received salvation would grow in faith and obedience. 

Today we sometimes act as though our job is completed once someone accepts Christ … We tend to measure success as a church by how many “decisions” are made.  Those are marvelous numbers to hear - but this passage says that is the beginning…not the goal.

It seems we might be spiking the ball in celebration after the kickoff not realizing the game has just begun. Commitments are wonderful and we are saved by faith alone, but we are saved to honor God and lead others to Him. The great commission is to make disciples, not just converts.

Paul prayed that God would fill them with knowledge through the Holy Spirit which would transform them…allowing them to walk in a manner Worthy of The Lord.

The focus is not only to turn around, but to live in a way that removes all doubt that you have been redeemed. Christianity is a team sport…We are one body, with one goal and must pray continuously for each other. 

Do you pray for your Christian friends to produce fruit? ….Or do you only pray for the lost?  In this passage Paul asks God to help Christians in the church to chase what matters. 

The target is creating disciples…followers…changed people.  People who have been born again and glorify God with their lives.

Absolutely, pray earnestly for your friend’s salvation, but when that prayer is answered, continue praying, and start discipling those friends so that they can grow in knowledge affirming their salvation by walking closer to God each day.

When our life on earth is over, and we have faithfully led others into the arms of Jesus and helped them walk in a way worthy of Him….Then we can spike the ball.

“Conversion is turning onto the right road. The next thing to do is to walk on it.”— Charles Spurgeon

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

PSALM 34:8-9 11/15/2022*

“Taste and see that the Lord is good; How blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him!  Fear the Lord, you His saints; For to those who fear Him there is no lack of anything.”

What a powerful Thanksgiving passage.  

Is that how we approach worship? Do we Taste and see that the Lord is good?  Do we consume scripture with the same enthusiasm with which we devour our Thanksgiving feast?  Why don’t we savor worshiping Jesus as much as we enjoy stuffing ourselves with the food He provides? No one approaches Thanksgiving dinner as a discipline or a chore - and we shouldn’t approach worshipping God that way either. 

“Taste and see that the Lord is good!” …Suggests an eagerness more powerful than any anticipation of pecan pie I may eat this Thanksgiving! …. (Ok, ok… “will” eat). 

Maybe we don’t acknowledge how miraculous fellowship with God is, because we have forgotten how powerful God is…. Have we become entitled instead of thankful? Have we concluded that we are somehow “owed” our next breath? Are we now accepting the credit for the blessings that God alone has provided?

If we have the right perception of God’s holiness and immense power … The fact that He chose to sacrifice His only Son to redeem us from our own wickedness should overwhelm us with gratitude. 

Realizing that God loves me – should invigorate my life with appreciation. When I take refuge in the grace that provides a loving relationship with my Heavenly Father …I lack nothing.

That should be what we celebrate. Contentment and gratitude to God for His amazing grace should be paramount - and enjoying the meal should simply be a biproduct. That will happen naturally if you can grasp what you have been given, and who has given it to you. Otherwise, Thanksgiving will be just a self-centered celebration of gluttony. 

So, it’s up to you. Choose to live a boring, lukewarm existence, never satisfied and always searching for fulfillment. Or as this passage states, wholeheartedly taste of God’s goodness… in which case you will lack nothing!… That is a very clear, “If/Then” statement from God - and its validity is not in question – your obedience is the only variable. 

“I don't have to chase extraordinary moments to find happiness – it's right in front of me if I'm paying attention and practicing gratitude.”

– Brene Brown

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Matthew 5:8 11/8/2022*

“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.”

My friend passed away last week, and this verse summarizes his life. 

As a high school coach and teacher, he changed the world …He didn’t do it by demanding recognition, he did it by serving … Serving others naturally flowed out of the purity of his heart. 

So, what does a pure heart look like? …What does purity mean?  It means freedom from contamination.  

Sometimes pureness is important …When my kids wanted to watch questionable movies, they would say something like, “it only has one bad scene”…and I would reply “So, there’s just a little dog poop in the cookies?”… Intending to point out that in some things…purity really matters. 

So, if a bad scene can ruin a movie – what can ruin a heart?  

It’s not just evil things that make our hearts impure. Hunger for money, reputation, power …are all things that Jesus called “weeds” that choke out good seed. Contamination occurs when we allow anything in our heart other than what it was created to hold…the pure love of God. My friend’s heart was so full of love for Jesus that there was no room for any other pursuit, and it showed. 

Jesus came to earth bearing the title “King of Kings”…yet He picked up a towel and washed his disciples’ feet. My buddy did the same… He  figuratively picked up a towel and washed feet every day. He served his students constantly - at school, games, functions… he and his wife even hosted dinner and bible study at their home regularly. Not because it was his job but because it was who he was. 

And it wasn’t just students…He encouraged everyone he met. My guess is, he was the only MD Anderson Patient, who gave doctors Chick-fil-A cards at his appointments …He couldn’t help it …his heart insisted on it. His love for Christ splashed out on everyone he met.

Because his heart was pure, we could see God in him… and Saturday night he saw God face to face and heard “well done good and faithful servant.”

Pray that God will fill your heart with the love of Christ …because the pure in heart will see God… and the indicator of a pure heart is serving others.

“What will you do today, pick up your title, or pick up your towel?”

-Bruce Hayes

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

John 15:14 11/1/2022*

“You are My friends if you do what I command you.”

Fasten your seatbelts…this morning might get a little rough.  Jesus was never vague about the requirements of discipleship. This verse sounds harsh today because it has become unfashionable to discuss the cost of following Christ. But the Bible is clear. Christians are to live differently. 

We are saved by faith alone, but the validation of our faith- is that it changes us. James 1:22 says we are fooling ourselves if we only listen to the Word of God, and don’t live it out.

God never offered cheap “fire insurance faith.” He offers life changing redemption through the gospel. 

But as Christians we have focused on His mercy,  to the exclusion of His Holiness. Our perception has been skewed by paintings depicting God as a feeble Grandfather, and Jesus as a victim.  That could not be further from the truth.  Exodus says “The Lord is a Warrior”…and Jesus’ occupation was a construction worker…There has never been anything weak or feeble about our King. He does not make requests, He gives commands. 

Fear of The Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the cost of following Christ is everything. When Jesus healed people, He said go your way and sin no more…that means change. 

Preaching repentance can make people uncomfortable, but it is better to offend people with God’s Word and point them to Heaven - than ignore His truths and leave them comfortably on their way to Hell. 

So, we all need to look in the mirror this morning. Is God changing us?  

Jesus didn’t die to make us comfortable…He died to make us warriors against forces of darkness …Are we fighting those forces, or are we contributing to them?  

If church is just a comfortable place to drink coffee and be entertained… it is not church. Church is challenging…it is motivating. Church is a pit stop intended to get you fueled up, talk strategy, and get you back out on the track to run the race God has commanded.  

Christ’s definition of discipleship includes obedience… make sure yours does too…Actively obey the commands of the King who died to save your soul. 

“Stale godliness is ungodliness. Let our religion be as warm, and constant, and natural as the flow of the blood in our veins. A living God must be served in a living way.”

―Charles Spurgeon