Tuesday, November 26, 2024

TITUS 2: 9-10 11/26/2024

 “Urge bondslaves to be subject to their own masters in everything, to be well-pleasing, not argumentative, not pilfering, but showing all good faith so that they will adorn the doctrine of God our Savior in every respect.”

“Bondslave” refers to  people who had acquired debt and for financial reasons were sold into slavery.  Paul isn’t validating slavery in any form. He is stating how we are to conduct ourselves when we end up in oppressive situations.

There are many forms of slavery today. Criminal slavery imposed on others,  as well as slavery, we impose upon ourselves such as career, credit card debt, image, etc. … So, there is a lesson here on what you allow yourself to be a slave to,  but that is not the point of this passage. 

Instead, these verses reinforce Colossians 3:23 “Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men”.  The concept is to realize that you are God’s servant, no matter what the endeavor.  It is all encompassing, and  “fairness” is not the target, excellence is. 

Today’s “entitled” philosophy does not embrace this teaching. This passage demands your unfair boss and the selfish people on your team become important to you. It requires you to enthusiastically work with, not against your demanding employer.  It expects you to be a servant in your marriage and family even when it is not reciprocated. Every group you are involved in should run smoother because you are a part of it, even when it is unfair or one-sided. Your assignment is to treat others as more important than yourself simply because God loves them.

That is where the bar has been set. And though it is tough to swallow in our culture of individual rights, the all-important goal is not to tarnish the name of your Savior.  If you think this is unfair – you are correct… But you don’t want fairness, you want grace. That is what God has given you,  and what you must offer others as well. 

So, if you can’t sacrificially treat your family with respect, work hard for your boss, and be a positive influence on your friends, please don’t teach Sunday School.  This chapter says your self-centered response to unfairness will significantly minimize any impact your religious lecture might have.

“Preach the gospel at all times, and if necessary, use words” - St. Francis

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

John 4:10 11/19/2024

“Jesus answered her, “If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water.”

The most troubling flaw in my prayer life is that I often forget who I’m talking to… Jesus tells this woman she doesn’t ask the right questions, because she doesn’t know the power He possesses.  I spend a lot of time in prayer making suggestions instead of listening because I forget who He is… If I contemplated the majesty of  the one hearing my prayers, they would be different. 

When Christ gave us the templet for praying, He said… “Our Father who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name”. Hallowed means respected, holy, sacred…  the natural next step after such an acknowledgement  should be to contemplate that… It makes sense that His holiness would shape your interaction with Him. 

The next phrase, “thy will be done”…  is the only logical progression… If you realize you are communicating with The Creator, the only rational next statement is to ask Him to control everything in your life.  If you prefer your own will, then you too have forgotten who you’re talking to. 

The foundation of my prayers must be the recognition of His Power. When I begin there, I ask the right questions… Instead of “placing my order” for the day, I come desiring guidance. I come with more questions and less solutions. Approaching God with a  “poor spirit” gives me the attitude that prepares me to hear the correct answers.  

There is a difference between saying your prayers and praying.  One is a one-way religious exercise in frustration, and the other is a two-way personal communication that results in guidance, power, and peace. 

The enemy’s desire is to have us habitually recite our memorized mantras, instead of crawling into the lap of our loving God and praying… Prayer brings our heart before Him with all our scars and allows us to receive the healing power of our Father.  Prayer changes things, and its power comes from the  power of the One to whom we pray. 

“Our ordinary views of prayer are not found in the New Testament. We look upon prayer as a means for getting something for ourselves; the Bible’s idea of prayer is that we may get to know God Himself.” -  Oswald Chambers 

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

1 Thessalonians 4:17-18 11/12/2024

“…Then we who are alive, who remain, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord.  Therefore, comfort one another with these words.”

“Two minutes!”... 

We used to shout that in the locker room as the time approached for us to head to the football field for the game.  The excitement and anticipation were palatable.  All the work that we had put in, all the sweat we had invested – was forgotten and overrun by our enthusiasm. You could hardly hold us back as we were headed out to play. Our focus was not on the safety and comfort of the locker room but the reckless excitement waiting for us on the field. 

That kind of focus and anticipation is what we should feel every morning as Christians.  JESUS IS COMING BACK… And it won’t happen gradually. Like a kickoff… the trumpets of Heaven will sound, and the King will return.   The question is not IF, but WHEN? 

Do I live in that reality? Do I wake up each morning with that thought on my mind motivated by Heaven …or am I distracted by the temporary trinkets of this world? 

C. S. Lewis turned our worldview upside down when he pointed out that you don’t HAVE a soul… you ARE a soul… you HAVE a body.  Is that my templet for life? Do I live as though everything in the physical realm is temporary and only the Spiritual is infinite?

Being a part of a church is wonderful, having buddies who support you and remind you that we are not alone is uplifting… But the kickoff is the reason for the team. The Kickoff is our purpose… and this is what should occupy our minds through the difficult times of preparation. Christ’s return is the event that should dictate a mood of anticipation and excitement as it approaches.  

This passage says this is what we should use to comfort each other and prepare ourselves for His return.  We must acknowledge that flesh is fleeting and will pass away – The Spirit is eternal…  the main thing, is to keep the main thing, the main thing…. Will I leave the house this morning with my mind set on Heaven?...

”Two Minutes!”

“The successful warrior is the average man, with laser-like focus.”
— Bruce Lee

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Philippians 2:5 - 8 11/5/2024

“Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus: Who, existing in the form of God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but emptied Himself, taking the form of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to death - even death on a cross.”

That is an overwhelming passage… 

Christ, being fully God, humbled Himself and came to earth as a servant.  Offering redemption to those who were not only beneath Him… they were His own creation.  Yet, they rejected and crucified Him …as He prayed for their forgiveness. 

This passage says that is the attitude I am supposed to have … This is not poetry or a parable… it is an historically recorded example we are required to follow that at times feels unattainable. 

I can be a servant,  when I am recognized for it… I might even enjoy it as long as others are appreciative.  But it would be difficult to serve those who disrespect me…  For the Son of God to become a lowly human …and then have other lowly humans mock and crucify Him? ...while He loved them?  That seems outrageous …Yet according to this passage, that is where the bar has been set.  

So, today if I am gracious and those I serve are not grateful… or I’m unselfish, and no one applauds…  how will I respond? … How will I react when others ignore my kindness?   The answer to those questions will be embarrassing if I go through the day with the “mind of Boyd”.  But if I willingly choose to have the “mind of Christ”, the results can be astounding.  

If I decrease, and Christ increases, my life will become radiant, lighting up any room I enter.  If I have the mind of Christ I will serve people – not out of obligation or religious devotion – but because like Christ, I love them. Love never stands still, it demands action. Sometimes to lift someone up you must get beneath them… Are you willing to lower yourself so you can effectively elevate others?  

There is no way around it… this passage insists that we decide who we love most. 

“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.”
- Anne Frank