Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Rev 3:15-16 9/15/2015

Revelation 3:15 I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! 16 So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth.

God sent these words to the church at Laodicea.  Strong words against a life without passion.

A man on fire for Jesus - recognizes the price of the gift given him, and his life reflects that with passion and gratefulness.

A man that is cold and has denied God -  rejects His free gift , and lives his life accordingly.

But a man that is lukewarm - claims to have accepted His Lordship, acknowledges the sacrifice that has been made on his behalf....but it doesn't seem to touch his heart.

This, according to scripture, literally nauseates God.  His only Son took our place and chose to endure what should have been our brutal execution.  To accept that gift without passion is an offense to God's love and holiness.

God ends the letter to the Laodiceans telling them to "be earnest and repent", Good advice for us as well.  If we do that, it will create a  passion in us that is unmistakable to the outside world.

A story is told of a young thief who was brought before Alexander The Great.  When the ruler asked the boy his name he responded, "Alexander"...a pained expression crossed the great warriors face, and he simply said, "son,  you change your ways, or you change your name."

Perhaps that is how God feels when we make him just a small part of our life, to be used when convenient or beneficial.  Maybe He would prefer we didn't use His name, if we aren't moved by His grace.

This week let's make sure we consider the price paid for our salvation, and let that reality fill us with passion that lights our hearts on fire for Christ.

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