Tuesday, July 24, 2018

James 3:7-8 7/24/2018*

All kinds of animals, birds, reptiles and sea creatures are being tamed and have been tamed by mankind, but no human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison.

Do you ever think of your tongue as a restless evil?

We treat it as our ally, but this verse would indicate it can be one of our greatest advisories.

How many times has this “restless evil” poisoned my life, yet I continue to give it free reign from day to day?

I continue to think it can boost my position and give me advantage. When, in reality, it is responsible for much of the heartbreak in my life.

As a society we have abandoned any thought of taming the tongue and instead seem to encourage reckless abandon when it comes to speaking. There is no thought of truth or wisdom as we vomit out anything that might help our side win.

That should not describe children of God.  We should be different.

Animals that cannot be tamed are kept in a cage.  Do that to your tongue today.  Treat it like a dangerous animal.  Watch it carefully and never let it get in a position to hurt you…. because if it has the chance it will.

Be slow to speak and quick to listen and understand that you carry a poison in your mouth capable of destroying friendships, families, and yourself…

Never trust your tongue in the moment.

You cannot tame it, so determine today to watch it carefully and keep it in it’s cage.

“What you may not realize is that the words you say, and the words you hear from others have the power to change your entire life.”
― Alex Uwajeh

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