Tuesday, April 16, 2019

1 Peter 4:8 4/16/2019*

Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.”

People debate what the end of this verse means, but let’s discuss the beginning of it.

“Above all, love each other deeply” … How are you doing in that area? 

This chapter discusses suffering, idolatry, resisting sin, and some very important issues but Peter says above all of that, we must love each other deeply.

It seems we are quick to categorize ourselves by our memberships, but our identifying mark is to be love…. that is how we are to be picked out of the crowd.

So again, how are you doing in that area?  

If someone was asked to describe you in one word, how far down the list would “loving” be? …that is an important question.

Similarly, If I asked you how you’re doing spiritually would you list religious activities, church attendance, scripture memorization, etc. …or would talk about those you love intentionally and well? 

I am glad you memorize scripture; it is important that you are consistent at church, and bible study… but Jesus said “the world will know you belong to me by your love” …that is your ID card.

The end of the verse says that love works like spackle…if covers stuff up.  Whether that means your sin or other’s sin is open for discussion, but the fact of the matter is, love buries junk that doesn’t need to be seen.

Relationships that are bathed in love are smooth and seamless and look very different from the world. When people see Christians, who love deeply…that, more than any sermon, will draw others to Christ.

“It's easy to talk about how much you love God, but loving others reveals how much you truly do. “
-      Elizabeth George

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