Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Acts 9:5 4/9/2019*

""Who are you, Lord?" Saul asked."

Saul knew “what” he was talking to, but he didn’t know “who” …. The answer to his question changed him from a religious man to a Christ follower.

Saul (also known as Paul) was well versed in the Torah and Jewish traditions. He had studied the Old Testament prophets and He knew the rules and the procedures for excelling in his religious community.

But suddenly Jesus appeared and obliterated all of that.

God was no longer an ambiguous concept that was simply part of Saul’s world view.  Instantly Jesus became very real, and very personal.

On the road to Damascus, Christ made the point that He is not a subject that you study, or a distant theological concept.  He is the one and only true God, and He is very interested in having a connection with you.

God’s desire is not to have us do His work….it is to have us draw close to Him so He can work through us.

Saul’s religious agenda had to be interrupted before he could hear Jesus.  He had to be stopped in his tracks and confronted by his personal Savior. In that moment Saul realized that there is a difference in knowing there is a God…and knowing God.

What about you? Have you been so busy with your religion that you have neglected meeting the one it is about?

Be confronted by Jesus today.  Stop your programs.  Interrupt your schedule and personally come face to face with your Lord and Redeemer.  The goal of the cross was not to increase your productivity…it was to allow you rest in the arms of the Savior.

Ask the question that Saul asked…” who are you Lord?” …Your life goal should be to learn a little more each day about the answer to that question …everything else is just details.

“A rule I live by is to treat the Lord Jesus Christ as a personal friend.  It is not a creed, a mere empty doctrine, but it is Christ Himself we have.”
-      D.L. Moody

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