Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Psalms 91:1 6/18/2019*

“Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.”

It is said that real estate values are determined by three things…location, location, location. The same can be said of Spiritual real estate. Where you dwell spiritually impacts how you live.

Anxiety and fear are everywhere in our society.  We deal with those emotions every day.  Exhausted, confused, and scared seems to be the norm. But that condition is the exact opposite of rest, and this “911” Psalm says our spiritual location can provide the remedy.

The background on my computer is a photograph of a baby polar bear at the entrance of a cave.  Behind him, inside the cave you can just make out the image of the mama bear … huge, powerful, and watching.

That background is there to remind me that if I dwell in the shelter of the Most High…I am well protected in His shadow. No anxiety can invade that sanctuary. My safety is determined by my proximity to my Father.

Like the baby bear, when I am close to my protector, I am untouchable…if I wander off, I am defenseless. There is no middle ground.  My safety is not found in my strength but in the power of the one who loves me. 

If you are experiencing fear and anxiety it could be that you have wandered from home. You have drifted away from the most powerful Guardian that has ever existed.

Turn around…deliberately DWELL with your Heavenly Father.  That doesn’t mean go to church once a week, it means live each moment in God’s love…Make that your permanent residence…. Rest there and let God deal with those who would harm you.

The enemy is a liar and fear and anxiety are his favorite subjects, but they are empty and powerless when you live under the protection of The Almighty God of the universe.

Pick up your shield of faith and run to your Father… and for the first time in long time…rest. Take a nap in His shelter knowing that His unimaginable power protects you.

If you want a visual, Google “mama polar bear and cub” and see a reminder of where you live spiritually… a picture that hints at what the shelter of the Most High looks like.

Let that picture remind you that your peace can never be disturbed when you rest in the shadow of the One that loves you. 

“You're safe not because of the absence of danger, but because of the presence of God.”

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