Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Romans 8:38-39 10/15/2019*

“For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

This world is full of temporary affection. We are great at weddings but weak on marriages. We are big on promises and small on commitment. So, we search in vain for a permanent love that cannot be found in a fickle world of “what have you done for me lately?”

This is our heartbreak. We were created with the knowledge that “love never fails” …. Yet we continue to call things “love” that we know fall short of that definition, so we end up disappointed.  But God is love….so we keep looking because we are made in His image and nothing less will satisfy.

There is an eternal love…there is an anchor that holds…God offers an everlasting love. And to make sure you understand He provides an exhaustive list of all the things that cannot separate you from it. It is unbreakable.

God loves you. He has stated it. He proved it on the cross. And when you put on the righteousness of Christ, nothing can separate you from your Father.

You are cherished…. No longer only as valuable as your last performance, you can now walk in confidence. You can now rest peacefully. This removes the fear from your life, and finally allows you to look outward.

Have you accepted this gift?  Examine where you find your confidence.  Are you still trying to earn what Jesus purchased for you on the cross?

Trade in your sinfulness for His righteousness and it’s yours…it is a pre-paid gift that once accepted can never be lost. …Receive His love…be filled with it…and then give as much of it away as you can.

This love is what identifies us as His… It cannot be found anywhere else, and it changes you in ways that are irreversible.  It makes you more than a conqueror, giving you a solid foundation which, in His shadow, makes you invincible. 

Knowing you have your Father’s heart will allow you to stop searching for love and do what you were created to do…Freely worship your God - and give love spontaneously to others.

“Though our feelings come and go, God’s love for us does not.” – C.S. Lewis

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