Tuesday, January 14, 2020

1 Corinthians 1:26 1/14/2020*

“Brothers and sisters, think of what you were when you were called.”

The Corinthian church was splitting into factions.  They were choosing sides. In their anger they had stopped discussing issues and started arguing positions.

Does that sound familiar?...

Our culture has adopted the mentality of sports fans when it comes to disagreements…accepting only facts that confirm our beliefs… assassinating the character of those who oppose us…and forming teams of only likeminded people.

Paul say the problem is arrogance…and a truthful look in the mirror should put an end to it.

Realizing what a fool I was without Christ should make it difficult for me to sustain my contempt for other fools.  And an honest assessment of me - should quickly soften my assessment of you.

The problem is our ego…our efforts to defend our position leave little time for self-evaluation… and even when we see our flaws we have become professional blame shifters, unwilling to acknowledge our failings.

But Paul says to own it. Remember the depth from which you have been raised.

When was the last time you felt remorse for something you did? How long has it been since you sincerely apologized to someone…not because you were caught, but because you were sorry? If it’s been a while, that means you’re either perfect, of you struggle with pride.

Paul acknowledges we are called by God… however it is not our perfection but our flaws that serve as credentials…. He says we were foolish enough to shame the wise - and weak enough to shame the strong. It turns out we are “qualified” …. but those qualifications should not cause us to boast, but to marvel at the grace of God.

If I can recapture my amazement at God’s grace for me - it makes it easier to extend that same grace to you.

I need to remember the foolishness for which I have been forgiven – and learn to disagree without dividing. I must embrace humility and allow it to cause me to adore God, and value you enough to listen.

Take a good long look in the mirror today.  “Think of what you were when you were called.” …and let that wipe away the pride that has blocked your vision of redemption and has stopped you from offering it to others.

“A Man Wrapped Up in Himself Makes a Very Small Bundle.”
 - Benjamin Franklin

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