Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Proverbs 19:3 1/28/2020 *8/26*

“A man’s own folly subverts his way, yet his heart rages against the Lord.”

We have become a people that thrive on blaming others.

Refusing to accept responsibility for our own problems, we blame our families, bosses, coaches, teachers, elected officials and ultimately we blame God… Anyone, but the person in the mirror.

On the surface this seems like a way to ease the pain of life, but it is actually the opposite. It creates an environment of helplessness. We can’t fix what we didn’t break…and if we convince ourselves that our anguish is the fault of others then we are powerless to change it.

This has produced a culture of anxiety and despair persuading us that we are victims of things we cannot control….

But humor me for a moment…Let’s pretend that some of your problems are your fault…let’s assume that some of your difficulties are of your own making - and that your foolishness has damaged your life…. What would that mean?

It would mean you can fix it…

It would mean you’re not a victim….You have control…you can pick up the phone and mend a relationship, you can stop being paranoid about what others think, you can love others instead of demanding you be loved first… all of a sudden this assumption gives you power.

And it is more than just an assumption…This verse states that our own folly is what wrecks our lives… our sin creates chaos and bitterness in our world and brings anger, pain and despair.

So, change it.  

Draw a circle around yourself today and take complete responsibility for everything that happens inside of that circle. Don’t worry about what happens outside of it - but make sure you control everything inside - and control your responses to whatever happens outside.

Then instead of blaming God…Put your faith in Him. Let Him fight the enemies outside of that circle, and you battle the one that is inside it.

You will be amazed at the peace and rest that will come when you take back responsibility for your life – and release the resentment you’ve held toward others.

Control what you can control – and rely on God to manage the rest.

“Beware of no man more than of yourself; we carry our worst enemies within us.” -  Charles Spurgeon

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Mark 2:17 1/21/2020*8/12*

“On hearing this, Jesus said to them, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners”

This was Jesus’ response when the religious leaders asked why he was eating with “tax collectors and sinners”.

His comment “the healthy don’t need a doctor” indicates He realized the Pharisees thought their righteousness eliminated their need for deliverance.

His answer was not implying that some people don’t need Him…He was simply pointing out that some people don’t know it.

The Pharisees thought the sinners were sick - but believed their own good deeds and religion had made them immune …Ironically, that attitude is a symptom of the disease.   

The Pharisee’s religion had blinded them to their chronic sinfulness allowing it to progress untreated. But the sinners were aware of their need for healing and were drawn to Christ for help.

Jesus came to call sinners because that is all there is to call. None of us are righteous…not one. We are all infected and the prognosis is terminal.

The Pharisees ignorance of their own sin shows that pride had produced a blind spot…. and allowed arrogance to infect their hearts with an attitude of superiority.

What about you… Has your religion blinded you? Do you find it hard to value people you disagree with?…Does your piousness and good deeds make you more important than others?  If so, you a have a problem… If you are unable to love and find worth in others, you have a lethal virus called arrogance.

Examine your spiritual health carefully so you will not be fooled as the pharisees were, into believing you are spiritually well enough not to need Christ. 

Jesus came to call sinners…which means all of us.  Sin is a condition we are born with… it is universal and aggressive. There is a cure, but it requires a substantial surgery to remove self-centeredness, and then a prescription of daily doses of Christ to keep us well.

Don’t let your church attendance blind you to your disease…Humbly accept the free gift of healing and stay on the prescribed treatment.

… then spend the rest of your life trying to get that treatment to others.

“None are more unjust in their judgments of others than those who have a high opinion of themselves.” - Charles Spurgeon

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

1 Corinthians 1:26 1/14/2020*

“Brothers and sisters, think of what you were when you were called.”

The Corinthian church was splitting into factions.  They were choosing sides. In their anger they had stopped discussing issues and started arguing positions.

Does that sound familiar?...

Our culture has adopted the mentality of sports fans when it comes to disagreements…accepting only facts that confirm our beliefs… assassinating the character of those who oppose us…and forming teams of only likeminded people.

Paul say the problem is arrogance…and a truthful look in the mirror should put an end to it.

Realizing what a fool I was without Christ should make it difficult for me to sustain my contempt for other fools.  And an honest assessment of me - should quickly soften my assessment of you.

The problem is our ego…our efforts to defend our position leave little time for self-evaluation… and even when we see our flaws we have become professional blame shifters, unwilling to acknowledge our failings.

But Paul says to own it. Remember the depth from which you have been raised.

When was the last time you felt remorse for something you did? How long has it been since you sincerely apologized to someone…not because you were caught, but because you were sorry? If it’s been a while, that means you’re either perfect, of you struggle with pride.

Paul acknowledges we are called by God… however it is not our perfection but our flaws that serve as credentials…. He says we were foolish enough to shame the wise - and weak enough to shame the strong. It turns out we are “qualified” …. but those qualifications should not cause us to boast, but to marvel at the grace of God.

If I can recapture my amazement at God’s grace for me - it makes it easier to extend that same grace to you.

I need to remember the foolishness for which I have been forgiven – and learn to disagree without dividing. I must embrace humility and allow it to cause me to adore God, and value you enough to listen.

Take a good long look in the mirror today.  “Think of what you were when you were called.” …and let that wipe away the pride that has blocked your vision of redemption and has stopped you from offering it to others.

“A Man Wrapped Up in Himself Makes a Very Small Bundle.”
 - Benjamin Franklin

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

1 Kings 19:11-12 1/7/2020*

“Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. 12 After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper.”

Are you paying attention?

We look for God in the midst of miracles.  The physical healings, the mending of relationships, the job offers that come just in the nick of time. But that is not always where He is…

Make no mistake, there are times He shouts His love to us through ground shaking miracles displaying His power…or glorious wind that rips the mountains in front of us apart, leaving no possible explanation but the power of God.

Yet there are also times, like in the verse above, when He whispers to us.  Times when instead of calming the storm He carries us through it. No perceivable miracles, no physical change of circumstances… just a quiet strength and peace… These are the times that He communicates His love with a whisper.

The problem with a whisper is – you can’t hear it if you’re not listening… If you’re looking for earthquakes, wind, or fire, you may be distracted and miss His voice. 

So, let me ask you again…. are you paying attention?

Have you prayed for a mighty fire to consume your troubles, but God hasn’t responded?... Have you waited for an earthquake to alter your life but God’s not showing up that way?

Maybe you need to be still…perhaps there is a gentle whisper that, in your exhaustion, you’re not hearing.

God is not frightened by your situation and He doesn’t want you to be either.  Fear does not come from God.  Don’t listen to the shouts of the enemy and don’t lean on your own understanding. Stop frantically searching and just listen.

Be still.

Fall to your knees and hear God’s gentle voice telling you that you are not alone…He is in control. He will either change the circumstances or carry you through them. But either way, His love is stronger than your problem.

“When someone speaks in a whisper, you have to get very close to hear. … And that’s what God wants.”  - Mark Batterson