Tuesday, February 4, 2020

1 Corinthians 11:1 2/4/2020*

“Be imitators of me, just as I also am of Christ.”

Most of us wouldn’t be comfortable making that statement. But it is false humility that causes us to confuse that discomfort with modesty.

It is actually laziness and lack of commitment on our part. Paul is setting the bar for our lives - and if we can’t make this statement we are missing the mark.

There is no arrogance here…He is not saying “I am perfect so you should do everything I do”…He is saying “My heart belongs completely to Christ and that motivates my every step, and it should be the same for you”.

Jesus instructs us to “be perfect as God is perfect” …His sacrifice on the cross occurred because He knew we would fail… but it is not there to make us comfortable with that failure.

The goal is the goal…the bar is set, and we are to be satisfied with nothing less.

If you have accepted Jesus as your savior - but not your Lord -  that should cause you to question …If you are not striving for perfection and you don’t desire to stop heaping sin on His shoulders then you have missed something.

But if your pursuing Jesus why aren’t you comfortable saying “imitate me as I imitate Christ”?...  Are you worried you will stumble?…Don’t be … If you do,  humbly confess – repent and ask for forgiveness …. That is the essence of the gospel, and those who watch you can learn to imitate that as well.

Here is the deal…You might as well get comfortable quoting this verse because it is going to happen anyway…If God puts people in your life for you to mentor they are going to imitate you as you imitate Christ…and that is an awesome responsibility…embrace it.

Don’t lower the bar with your false humility and sluggishness…Run hard after God so that those following you will have to do the same to keep up.

We are called to make disciples, and disciples are made with words that are backed up by actions - so get busy. Christianity is a full-time job. Accept the challenge and like Paul, imitate Christ to the level that you are spreading the gospel with every word you say, and every step you take.

“Preach the Gospel at all times. When necessary, use words.”
- St. Francis of Assisi.

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