Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Matthew 7:24-27 4/7/2020*

“Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock.”

The storm has landed. How’s your house doing?

Gale-force winds are testing the stability of your construction, and according to Christ, the strength of your house is based on the foundation.

Whether or not you have heard the words of Jesus is not the question …. what you say you believe isn’t the issue….it apparently boils down to “Obedience”. Jesus said that is the bedrock of our faith - yet most of us don’t like to talk about it.

Jesus is not teaching “works” salvation - He is talking about faith. What you “do” is dictated by what you “believe”.  …. So, if this storm is producing cracks, examine your obedience, because it is the thermometer of your faith.

Maybe your obedience has been misdirected to idols… Perhaps during this storm, you are realizing that money lied about its power…. or you are recognizing that self-centeredness is not an effective strategy.

The false gods that make promises in the sunshine - fail in the dark storm - so check their validity.  Because no matter how impressive the structure is – if the foundation crumbles it’s worthless.

The good news is you can rebuild.  Don’t waste this pain.  This can make you stronger… grow from it. If your life is unstable tear it down, abandon the old foundation and build on one that will withstand the assault.

You need to have iceberg faith. 90% of an iceberg is underwater…but it is that unseen foundation that allows it to destroy anything that comes against it. Your “house” needs to be built the same way.

Have a faith that impacts what you do, and who you are…According to Jesus, that is the game changer when you face a storm.  When (not if) the rain comes - that alone will determine whether or not you stand.

 “Obedience is the fruit of faith.” - Christina Rossetti

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