Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Genesis 41:46 5/12/2020*

“Joseph was thirty years old when he entered the service of Pharaoh king of Egypt.”

When Joseph was seventeen, God told him that he would someday reign over many people.  This verse says it was thirteen years before any hint of fulfillment of that dream began.

Between God’s promise and it’s fulfillment - things did not look very promising – He was criticized by his family…His brothers planned to kill him but instead sold him into slavery …As a slave he was falsely accused of sexual harassment and imprisoned. 

He endured a decade and a half of misery after God promised he would rule.  Yet, during this time there was no complaining or self-pity from Joseph … He continued to serve God and care for others while in prison – He did not plead his case, seek revenge, or force his own way. Day by day, he faithfully waited on the Lord.

Are you patiently waiting on the Lord?... or are you experiencing a season of fear and anxiety?  Are things not like you hoped they would be? Perhaps you are a slave to a situation - or in prison because of things you have done. Maybe you are suffering because of the dishonesty of others.

If you will choose to wait in faith – God has made a promise to you in Isaiah 40:31 - …those who wait on the Lord Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.”

Joseph endured over a decade of anguish after God’s promise, and like Joseph you may be suffering right now too…You may be walking and trying not to faint. But keep walking.

Keep putting one foot in front of the other…. because no matter how dark it seems - the time is coming when you will mount up on wings like an eagle if you will just wait on the Lord.

Have faith in God…wait expectantly for His deliverance. And while you wait – grow – trust – study - believe.  Handle what is in front of you today and have confidence in God for tomorrow.

Like Joseph you have no idea how or when God will deliver you – so just focus on the fact that He will….and take the next step.

“God is ready to assume full responsibility for the life wholly yielded to Him.” - Andrew Murray