Tuesday, June 30, 2020

2 Corinthians 8:2 6/30/2020*

In the midst of a very severe trial, their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty welled up in rich generosity.”

Read that verse again…Does that make sense to you?

Paul is describing the Church at Macedonia which had been decimated by three civil wars, persecuted by the Jews, and existed in dismal poverty. When this church got squeezed …. Joy and generosity came out.

What comes out of you when you are put under pressure?

I’ve been watching a series on TV called “Alone”. Ten people are dropped off by themselves into the wilderness and the last one to “tap out” wins the game. I have noticed that one of the most important determining factors is a good attitude.  A positive outlook is not developed in the wilderness, but it is revealed there. What is inside comes out when tested.  

Like the contestants on “Alone” we all think we have endurance – but it is not endurance until you are exhausted …Stamina is not stamina until you want to quit…So, as you grow weary what is overflowing out of your life?

As we collectively endure the current trials, it is a good opportunity to examine your response to hard times. If you do not like what is coming out of you - change what you have been putting in... 

Confidence in a loving Father gives you the ability to choose - joy, and generosity.  If that is what you desire – then fill your heart with Faith.  Draw close to God and drink in His word. Spend time in prayer, meditating on His promises. Change what goes into your heart, and it will change what comes out of your mouth.

Allow the Holy Spirit to fill you with truth – and it will change your attitude. What the enemy has intended to harm you will instead produce strength and joy…what causes anxiety in others will not disturb the peace of God which sustains you.

Unlike the participants on the show, you are not alone.  Choose to focus on that fact and it will provide strength that is internal, and unwavering. 

When put under pressure – a heart filled with the Spirit of God will overflow with joy and generosity– which will make your response to difficulties a beautiful thing that attracts others to your source of strength.

“Your problem isn’t the problem, it’s your attitude about the problem.” - Ann Brashares


  1. Appreciate your writing. So easy to tunnel vision and Woe is me when faced with adversity. In those times of trial, all we have to do is look up and remember His bountiful Grace and allow those trials to produce the perseverance in us that reveals His Glory.
    Thanks for your faithfulness.

  2. Amen - Thanks for the kind words.
