Tuesday, October 27, 2020

1 Corinthians 2:9 10/27/2020*

“… No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no heart has imagined, what God has prepared for those who love Him.”

Do you find yourself clinging to this world instead of anticipating eternity?  It’s not your fault - you have no idea what is waiting for you…you aren’t capable of knowing what is waiting for you.
God created the universe in just six days.  But Jesus has been preparing a place for us for over 2000 years (John 14) - so the splendor of what awaits us is literally beyond our imagination. This makes one of my favorite songs technically incorrect …I cannot “only imagine”. 

Simply put, our minds have nothing to draw from to achieve this level of magnificence. We imagine Heaven as us sitting in boredom playing a harp…when in actuality Heaven will be more exciting than any last-minute championship win.
The Grand Canyon, the Northern lights, white sandy beaches – these are all just preliminary sketches.  No one has ever seen anything close to the masterpiece God is preparing…We are destined for a place that will amaze us for an eternity.
So how should this impact us?  

To begin with we should be less frantic about this world and more focused on the next one.
If I have a hot dog - but know a filet mignon is on the way - I am less possessive of the dog.  If my coloring book is damaged but my Rembrandt is safe on the wall – I simply focus on the treasure.
People should notice you have a different perspective.  It should make them curious that you are not consumed with the trinkets of this world.
The only thing of eternal value on this planet is other people’s souls. The only news events that matter are those that impact those soul’s eternal destiny. The hysteria we generate over temporary events and possessions is unjustifiable.

Spend more time today anticipating the gourmet meal being prepared for you …and spend less time worrying about the fast food of this world. 
An amazing eternity is being arranged for you, and your job is to bring as many people as you can with you ...  

When people see your peace and ask you to explain your lack of anxiety in this world – this verse will be an excellent place to start.

“The love of heaven makes one heavenly.”
-  William Shakespeare

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