Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Jeremiah 1:17 11/24/2020*

“But you, dress yourself for work; arise, and say to them everything that I command you. Do not be dismayed by them, lest I dismay you before them.”

Our society has stopped teaching toughness. We lower requirements rather than let children learn from failure.  Instead they learn about failure later in life when the consequences are harsher. 

It is important to learn how to struggle. Valleys are where things grow…There are very few wise people who have not walked through trials.  By removing difficulties, we have created a generation of shallow individuals.

That is not God’s way – God tells Jeremiah to put on his work boots... Israel has failed and is facing judgement and Jeremiah has been given the difficult job of telling them.  It will not be pleasant nor popular…but look closely at what God says:
“Do not be dismayed by them, lest I dismay you before them”.
In other words, “they won’t like what you say – but say it anyway. Worry about my response to your words - not theirs.”

That type of coaching would get you kicked out of little league today…and that is the problem. God requires a tenacity for truth, not comfortable compromises.
This self-focused philosophy has creeped into the church causing us to struggle when we are asked to suffer….. we want admiration but God wants obedience.
On Sunday we are as likely to question the pastors style, as be convicted by what he says…and if he makes us uncomfortable, society has taught us that he should lower the bar so we will feel better about ourselves.
God did not save us just to make us happy – He saved us to make us Holy - We have been recruited as Soldiers.  Make no mistake, when you speak truth some people will leave your church, turn off your blog…some may even stop being your friend…but God says to tell the truth anyway, and understand that sometimes people are offended by truth even when spoken in love.
We are warriors and sometimes warriors get hurt – adjust your expectations – focus on the goal - put on your gear and run to the battle…  you have work to do.

“Jesus' life was a storm of controversy …To avoid controversy is to avoid Christ. We can have peace, but it is a servile and carnal peace where truth is slain in the streets.”  - R. C. Sproul

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Colossians 1:6-7 11/17/2020*

“All over the world this gospel is bearing fruit and growing, just as it has been doing among you since the day you heard it and truly understood the grace of God.  You learned it from Epaphras, our beloved fellow servant, who is a faithful minister of Christ on our behalf”

We need more people like “Epaphras” … Not much is known about him except that he was a faithful servant - and he was a “doer” … A guy who taught truth in the trenches.

Evangelism is often discussed in the abstract…Something elaborately planned… overseas, involving logistics, and fund raising. 
But that was not Epaphras’ model…. He just shared the gospel with people around him. 
Epaphras told people about Jesus… Probably friends and co-workers…. at times maybe uncomfortable…  but Epaphras jumped in anyway.

That is how he influenced an entire city. He decided what was important and acted on it. 

What about us?...Would we be named as faithful servants who led others to “truly understand the grace of God” or would we just be listed among those who agreed with the concept?

Romans says: “How then will they call on Him in whom they have not believed? How will they believe in Him whom they have not heard? And how will they hear without a preacher?” 

Those are good questions … Our job is to make disciples…how can that happen if others don’t hear the gospel… Will they hear if from you? 

The only way to finish a job - is to start it. Have you started? Have you taken the first step, opened your mouth, and told others about your Savior?
Don’t listen to the lie that you’re not qualified… just tell your story. God is the only one who can change a heart. That is His job, not yours.  Your job is to speak the truth... God’s decree is called the “great commission” not the “great suggestion”. Obey Him.
Today is as good a day as any to start. 

That friend that God keeps putting on your heart needs to hear the truth.   It might feel awkward but take the step – share your faith… God will move, and like Epaphras, He will use you to teach others about His amazing grace.
Anything else you do today, will pale in comparison.

“Evangelism is just one beggar telling another beggar where to find the bread.”
Daniel Niles

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Daniel 10:12 11/10/2020*

"'Don't be afraid, Daniel,' he told me, 'because from the first day that you committed yourself to understand and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard. I've come in answer to your prayers.”

Do you ever feel helpless?...  Like you are being swept along with no ability to change anything? This verse quotes the angel Gabriel speaking to Daniel in a vision - and what he says is amazing. 

He tells him that the first day Daniel cried out to God…the moment he hit his knees…his words were heard – And not only that…The Commander of Heaven’s army responded by dispatching Gabriel to help him.
There is no answering machine in Heaven… God never puts us on hold until He can get to our request.  The instant we humble ourselves before God we are in the presence of the Almighty - and He is listening.
I am astonished when people despondently say, “all we can do is pray”.  Prayer is not a last resort - it is the Atomic Bomb of spiritual weapons…it is the game changer. Daniels grief over Israel drove him to pray and the instant he did, he had God’s attention. 

What has driven you to your knees?  What has broken your heart to the point that you feel helpless?  This verse says He hears you…God is listening and has a plan.  Keep praying.  Pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5).  God is moved by the hearts of His children and He will respond.
You are not a victim and things are not out of control.  
Do not pray defeatedly – attack the enemy… Go on the offense - You are a warrior whose prayer is an overwhelming weapon – wield it like a sword and stand confidently in its power. 

We are more than conquerors and the enemy's greatest fear is that we will realize the power we have at our disposal.
This morning you have been invited into the Throne room of the King of Kings. He is listening to you – and ready to act - do not waste time doubting what He is capable of – Ask in faith, stand back, and watch God deliver. 

“The power of prayer can never be overrated. ... If a man can but pray he can do anything. He who knows how to overcome with God in prayer has Heaven and earth at his disposal. “- Charles Spurgeon

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

TITUS 1 :15-16 11/3/2020*

"To the pure, all things are pure; but to the defiled and unbelieving, nothing is pure. Indeed, both their minds and their consciences are defiled.  They profess to know God, but by their actions they deny Him. They are detestable, disobedient, and unfit for any good deed."

According to this passage, purity is essential.  The phrase describes only those hearts which are filled with the Holy Spirit because that is the only engine that produces purity. 

1 Corinthians 13 makes it clear that when it comes to serving others, your motives can disqualify your offering.  Every action attains its coloring of good or evil from its point of origin which is your heart. 

So, what color are your actions?  Do they reflect the color of integrity, or is there a tint of sin on your activities?
If your heart is not pure then the thoughts, words, and actions that flow from it are not either.
That is Paul’s point, and he is not worried about hurting our feelings. If our hearts are unchanged we are detestable, disobedient, and worthless for any good deed. 

The gospel is not “sinner friendly” … and complete re-birth and regeneration is the only path to God….and God is the only source of purity.

You will not hear that preached from very many pulpits today… but the Word of God is unambiguous. We are useless without pure hearts – which can only be attained if the Spirit of God creates one inside of us. (Psalm 51)

The litmus test of whether that has happened, is found in what you do...Your actions are your spiritual thermometer. We are saved by faith alone - but our actions define the validity of our faith.  Faith without works is dead (James 2) – and only a new heart can and will produces new actions.

So, evaluate your walk – look hard in the mirror. Focus on the engine … Make sure your heart is the temple of God. His presence in your heart will lead to a life of purity. 

Only then will you be able to simultaneously proclaim Him with your words - and honor Him with your walk.

 “The greatest single cause of atheism in the world today is Christians: who acknowledge Jesus with their lips, walk out the door, and deny Him by their lifestyle. That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable.”
― Brennan Manning