Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Daniel 10:12 11/10/2020*

"'Don't be afraid, Daniel,' he told me, 'because from the first day that you committed yourself to understand and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard. I've come in answer to your prayers.”

Do you ever feel helpless?...  Like you are being swept along with no ability to change anything? This verse quotes the angel Gabriel speaking to Daniel in a vision - and what he says is amazing. 

He tells him that the first day Daniel cried out to God…the moment he hit his knees…his words were heard – And not only that…The Commander of Heaven’s army responded by dispatching Gabriel to help him.
There is no answering machine in Heaven… God never puts us on hold until He can get to our request.  The instant we humble ourselves before God we are in the presence of the Almighty - and He is listening.
I am astonished when people despondently say, “all we can do is pray”.  Prayer is not a last resort - it is the Atomic Bomb of spiritual weapons…it is the game changer. Daniels grief over Israel drove him to pray and the instant he did, he had God’s attention. 

What has driven you to your knees?  What has broken your heart to the point that you feel helpless?  This verse says He hears you…God is listening and has a plan.  Keep praying.  Pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5).  God is moved by the hearts of His children and He will respond.
You are not a victim and things are not out of control.  
Do not pray defeatedly – attack the enemy… Go on the offense - You are a warrior whose prayer is an overwhelming weapon – wield it like a sword and stand confidently in its power. 

We are more than conquerors and the enemy's greatest fear is that we will realize the power we have at our disposal.
This morning you have been invited into the Throne room of the King of Kings. He is listening to you – and ready to act - do not waste time doubting what He is capable of – Ask in faith, stand back, and watch God deliver. 

“The power of prayer can never be overrated. ... If a man can but pray he can do anything. He who knows how to overcome with God in prayer has Heaven and earth at his disposal. “- Charles Spurgeon

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