Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Romans 12:2 12/1/2020*

 “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind…”

The world is full of fitness trainers telling us how to transform our bodies…But when was the last time you attempted to transform your mind? 

Renewal of the mind is more difficult than changing your body – and it is much harder today than it used to be…

Our minds work like computers… Good data in - equals Good data out… Garbage in - equals Garbage out.  So, the things you focus on - produce who you are.  

The problem is that good data is hard to find these days - and garbage is a “click” away. This means we must be vigilant about what catches our interest.  

You do not eat food without considering its effect - and your mind should get the same protection.  

Bored scrolling is no better than bored eating. Mindlessly scrolling through social media creates a situation where you are not likely to get anything beneficial and are highly likely to get input that leads to an undisciplined, polluted mind. Looking for “click bait” while bored - is like going to Krispy Kreme at lunchtime… it is not only worthless - it is dangerous. 

The next time you habitually reach for your phone to scroll - stop yourself – instead pull up your scripture memorization list, listen to worship music, call a friend… find a way to use that phone to input “good data”.

You have a decision to make … Agree with this verse - but continue doing exactly what you have been doing – or make a change and monitor what enters your mind.  

Put your brain on a healthy diet. Redeem your thoughts. Cut the junk food of social media and begin taking in nourishment. Take care of your mind like you take care of your body. 

Nothing will change your life quicker than a healthy brain that is not distracted by sinful, worthless, and false information.  Step out of the haze of distortion and pursue clarity.

A healthy mind will guide you.… Truth cannot be found if you are immersed in the fog of worldly deception – so make the decision to rejuvenate your brain. Monitoring what goes in is the only way to control what comes out.    

“Attention is a precious commodity; our life is defined by what we pay attention to” – Justin Early

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