Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Proverbs 17:27 1/12/2021*

“Whoever restrains his words has knowledge, and he who has a cool spirit is a man of understanding.”

Everyone wants to have conversation, but no one wants to hear what others have to say. We have decided that we know the truth and now our job is to educate others. 

The problem is you may not know the truth.  You think you do - and there are algorithms online that lump us into like thinking camps, so our “itching ears hear what they want to hear” … but accuracy has nothing to do with the filter. 

This illusion prompts us to condemn with self- righteous indignation when we hear a different opinion. Friend, family…it makes no difference. If you do not conform you are evil.  

Often however, the problem is not different opinions, but different “truths” … “Facts” that are often wrong, but never doubted…checked by people who believe what we believe.

The truth…the real, unadulterated truth is hard to find…especially when we are not looking for it.

Anyone can spew lunacy with the click of a button. And the vendors of cyberspace manipulate what we see, based on our own clicks, to convince us that everyone (except a few extremists) agree with the “facts” in our online community.

So, when challenged we shout them down with our “truths” and judge them for questioning the statements on our news feed.

But a man of understanding restrains his words. He remains calm and listens. 

You do not need to change your opinion but consider that you may have different data instead of different morals. Judge information not intentions. Seek to help others understand, instead of trying to humiliate them.

We live in a country where (at least for now) it is legal to disagree. So, search for truth and be willing to adjust your position based on correctness. 

If it appears you have been misled…dig deeper. If your position is accurate, know that condescension and ridicule has never changed an opinion. You may win the argument; but you will lose a friend. 

Stop talking for a minute and consider what others say … Then share your opinion. Find worth in other people, restrain your words, have a cool spirit, and be a man of understanding.  

We are commanded to love each other, and you cannot love without listening.

“Never miss a good chance to shut up.” - Will Rogers

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