Tuesday, May 4, 2021

PSALM 23:3 5/4/2021*

“He restores my soul; He guides me in the paths of righteousness. For the sake of His name.”

If there is one thing in life that I need it is to be restored. “He restores my soul” is a powerful statement that brings peace over me when I read it. 

Each day is a battle that I often feel battered and depleted after fighting, and this verse says that HE restores me… God Himself, like a loving parent restores my soul…not my bible reading…not my quiet time…just His loving power – redeems and rejuvenates me.

Don’t miss this offer…. Is there anything in life you need more than to be restored?  

Can you imagine the freedom of being forgiven and allowed to drop all the baggage you have been carrying? Can you think of anything better than permanently erasing all the mistakes and sin in your past and being able to look in the mirror and like what you see?

Most people would give all they have to be renewed - and yet every morning when you meet with God that is on the table. 

Restoration is clearly and powerfully offered each day and instead we leave it and try to restore ourselves. But redemption is His business and only He has the power to restore you.

After restoring you, He also guides you– Like He did the Israelites, with shade in the daytime and warmth and light at night. God does not give you a map and point the way to righteousness - He grabs your hand and leads you down the path.

The end of this verse tells you why …You bear His name…You are His child…He loves you and paid an inconceivable price for your redemption.

No matter how lost you have become he will restore your soul. Stop fruitlessly trying to repair yourself. Quit wandering aimlessly. And start reaping the benefits of being a child of the King.  Turn to Him and He will restore you, guide you, and embrace you as His own. 

“God is able to fix that which is broken so that what stands repaired is immeasurably greater than that which stood before... Therefore, the most staggering brokenness conceivable is in reality the greatest opportunity imaginable.”
― Craig D. Lounsbrough



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