Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Romans 15:14 7/20/2021*

 “And concerning you, my brethren, I myself also am convinced that you yourselves are full of goodness, filled with all knowledge and able also to admonish one another.”

Admonishment is defined as a firm warning or reprimand.

When is the last time someone admonished you? .... How did you respond?  The bible is clear that as Christians we are called to do this for each other.

It is hard to admonish because we don’t like confrontation.  And it is hard to be admonished because we present ourselves as perfect.

Most people want “friends” who praise them and revere them…but seldom do we want to be corrected or reprimanded.

In other words, we want fans, not friends. 

If a fan sees a destructive flaw in my life, they will look the other way…If a friend sees one, he will call me on it.  

The bible tells us to love one another, be at peace with one another, be devoted to one another and those things are pleasant and provide fellowship …But it also says to admonish one another…and while not always pleasant, it is valuable because it improves and protects us.

I am thankful for people in my life who are willing to correct me…I seldom enjoy it, but it forces me to look in the mirror and it makes me better.

Having a friend that cares enough to admonish is like having a knowledgeable coach in the press box. It provides a vantage point that you cannot see for yourself. And if there is someone you trust in the press box, you will make better decisions on the field.

The key to being a successful “admonisher” is your motivation… If you correct me because you want to elevate yourself by pulling me down - your admonishment will be useless…but if you admonish me because you love me and want what is best for me…your words can be life changing. 

We all need friends who love us enough to be uncomfortable. That is the difference in an acquaintance and a brother.

Determine to have that in your life. Love your brother enough to tell him what he needs to hear – And love your brother enough to listen when he tells you what you need to hear.

“If you don’t love your friend more than you love your friendship then you don’t have either one.”

– Anonymous

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