Tuesday, September 14, 2021

GENESIS 1: 27 9/14/21*

“So, God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them...”

You can act like an atheist…but you cannot react like one. 

God’s image has been stamped on your core and it shows in your reactions.  If someone steals from you – you will insist on justice. There is no other species on earth that does that…and the reason you do it - is because you were created in the image of a righteous God.  

You have knowledge of a higher power written on your heart. (Hebrews 10). The question has never been “Is there a God?” … It has always been “Who is God?” … People who call themselves atheist have simply decided that they merit the job. 

No one argues we should live by the “law of the jungle” where “might makes right” as atheism would logically advocate …. No one actually believes there is no right or wrong…. The dispute arises over who gets to decide the parameters. 

So, the argument is over relativism not atheism…and the question becomes – Who is in charge?

You need to deal with that question – 

You are the only created being that has been given a moral compass. You can attempt to use “science” to excuse your unresponsiveness to that compass. But in the end, you must deal with your unique awareness of good and evil… You are not an animal with no conscience - and that makes it complicated.  

Scripture says that God is Spirit - and so are you - and your Spiritual aspect is far more important than the physical one… Search for what you already know is there.  Nothing will fill the void you feel except your Heavenly Father. Study the Bible. It is an accurate, historical document that reveals a living Holy God who loves you. 

You are not a highly evolved organism who somehow developed a sense of virtue. God created you as His child - and your desire for justice is a family trait. 

You are an eternal being - in need of eternal truths…. Face the reality of your heritage and it will answer the nagging questions in your heart and fill you with peace and purpose. 

“You don't have a soul. You are a Soul. You have a body.”

― C.S. Lewis

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