Tuesday, October 26, 2021

PSALM 121:1-2 10/26/2021*

“I will raise my eyes to the mountains; From where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, Who made heaven and earth.”

It is amazing how much power is in scripture when we slow down and read it.  Just two verses this morning but they contain a remedy for anxiety.

“I will raise my eyes to the mountains” is a choice…a difficult choice.  There are real and devastating problems out there. There are heart breaking sorrows and hard seasons that drain us of strength…. Raising my eyes is an intentional response to those trials. 

This passage explains why we look up – help comes from the Lord… The implication is my support is there waiting for me. I just must raise my head …. God is waiting for me to turn around…to reach my hand toward my Father.  

And in case I don’t realize the value of that opportunity, the psalmist explains who God is… “The Lord, who made heaven and earth”. The all-powerful ever-present King of kings…the Great I AM. The question is not can He deliver me…the question is will I turn to Him and be delivered?

It doesn’t say look around for a path of escape. Nor does it instruct me to look to my friends to bail me out…it says look up. 

At the end of the day, it is just me and God…and He loves me.  I either believe that or I don’t. If I believe it – it changes me. I am no longer a lonely victim. I am a beloved child of God waiting for my deliverance. 

This is not a “positive attitude” message it is much more powerful than that – It is a message about faith…Faith in a very real God who loves and protects me.  So, when I am downtrodden and exhausted, I have a choice to make… I can hang my head – or raise my eyes.  If I choose faith, I will receive strength and be protected in His shadow. 

So, in two verses we go from defeat and fatigue - to deliverance and confidence. With one decision the trajectory of my day is altered. 

So, what is your choice today?  Will you raise your eyes…or hang your head? God is waiting - the choice is yours. 

“Faith never knows where it is being led, but it loves and knows the One who is leading.” - Oswald Chambers

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