Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Nehemiah 8:10 2/8/2022*

 “Then Nehemiah told them, “Go and eat what is rich, drink what is sweet, and send out portions to those who have nothing prepared, since today is holy to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the LORD is your strength.”

The people of Israel were weeping because the book of the Lord had pierced their hearts. Nehemiah told them to smile…He told them to celebrate, because the joy of the Lord would make them strong. 

The same is true today. Joyfulness in the Lord gives us power. Yet somehow the church has become the most somber place on earth. Our sharing of the gospel is ineffective because we do it out of duty – not joy. If you ask people what traits they associate with Christianity you will probably hear stuffy, judgmental, boring, maybe arrogant…but you will seldom hear Joyful …and that is one reason the church struggles today.  

If we pursue faith, love, and wisdom and we seek courage, peace will result. And that peace will generate unquenchable joy that is impossible to hide from those who don’t have it. 

I should be that person who is always smiling…Not because nothing ever goes wrong - but because one amazing thing went right – Christ rose from the dead and because of His grace, I will spend eternity with Him. 

The word “Gospel” is the combination of the Hebrew words for “good” and “message”.  So, if we carry God’s good message, how are we not beaming? 

We are not oblivious to the trouble in our lives; however, we are more aware of the deliverance the cross has provided - so joy shines out of us. 

Nehemiah told them to celebrate because the day was holy.  When you are indwelled by the Holy Spirit, every day is holy…and every day should contain Joy. 

If you want more power in your walk and your witness, try smiling. Try focusing on the amazing gift God has given you.  Joy, like peace, is not dependent on circumstances – It is dependent on the fact that God saved you from your sin …That produces joy - and that kind of Joy is unshakeable. 

Once you have the faith, love, and wisdom to know what God wants you to do…if you will do it with Joy, you will be unstoppable.

“Never learn doctrine from someone who doesn’t have a sparkle in their eye” – Anonymous

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