Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Jude 1:24-25 3/22/2022*

“Now to Him who is able to protect you from stumbling, and to make you stand in the presence of His glory, blameless with great joy, to the only God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority before all time and now and forever. Amen.”

This short letter from Jesus’ half-brother has an ominous tone…It is full of warnings and admonitions.  Jude states there will be false teachers and blasphemers and warns us to closely follow scripture. He instructs us to vigilantly protect the truth from those who would corrupt it. 

This one-chapter letter is an uncompromising call to action, not a comforting memo…. Yet in this last verse, as Jude wraps up his message – He makes it clear that fear and worry are not part of the program. 

He states that Jesus is able to protect us, keep us from stumbling, make us blameless and give us joy…God’s majesty, dominion and authority are unshakable, and our destiny is to be in His presence forever.

The bible is incredibly clear on this point - yet for some reason today our society is fixated on fear. It has become like a drug to us.  We pursue it, incessantly clicking on things that will cause anxiety and we are unable to stop ourselves from obsessing over what might happen next. 

This verse says that’s a colossal waste of time. 

It states that we have a proficient protector and that our future is to stand in His glory, joyfully blameless.  

No war, virus, political party, or economic collapse can alter that. Christ is not pacing the floor…He is on His throne. Nothing has happened, nor will happen, outside of His permissive will. He possesses all authority, and nothing is trivial to Him…. Not a single sparrow will fall today without His knowledge. (Matthew 10:29)

Jesus loves you and has stated that you are “worth more than many sparrows” …Rest in that truth…You have God’s heart - so trust Him.  Take a break from anxiety and rest in the peace of God.  Nothing can separate you from the love of Christ so, stop feeding your addiction to fear and instead relax in the power of your protector. 

“You do not know the gospel, dear friends, if you have not obtained peace through it; peace is the juice, the essence, the soul of the gospel.”  – Charles Spurgeon

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