Tuesday, April 5, 2022

PSALM 25:1-3 4/5/2022*

“To You, Lord, I lift up my soul. My God, in You I trust, Do not let me be ashamed; Do not let my enemies rejoice over me. Indeed, none of those who wait for You will be ashamed”

What is your anchor? Where do you turn when a storm comes? The writer of this psalm says that The Lord is his anchor…The Lord is the one to whom he lifts his soul.  

Is that true of me? When the chips are down do I look to my own ingenuity, or do I trust in the Lord?  

Sure, I say I trust God in the daily challenges – but when everything is on the table – winner take all – no safety net…. what is my “go to” approach …me or God?

Too often we choose to lower our soul to earthly remedies instead of lifting it to God. We turn to self-medication, or distraction rather than resting in the power of our Heavenly Father. We panic, and spiral into fear and anxiety instead of relying on the proven love and power of the Great I Am. 

But you say, “you don’t understand how bad my situation is”. That may be true. But no problem is big until it is yours - and perseverance is only perseverance when it is hard. So, don’t buy the Facebook lie that everyone else’s life is perfect. You are not alone in your struggles, but like all of us, you must choose your path. 

You may be impressed by a chair, and say it has good workmanship…but you don’t have faith in a chair until you sit in it.  When trouble comes in your life, are you impressed by God - or do you have faith in Him?

In Romans, Paul writes: “Anyone who believes in Him will never be put to shame.”  Paul shows an unyielding confidence in God - The writer of this psalm shows the same - but I do not see enough of it in me.  

Do I trust God or not?  Am I sitting in the comfort of God’s grace or just saying good things about it as I stand on my own?  My anchor must be Christ ….and to Him alone I will lift my soul and rest in the assuredness of His love. 

“Faith does not eliminate questions. But faith knows where to take them.” - Elisabeth Elliot

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