Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Isaiah 6: 2-3 7/19/2022*

“Above him were seraphs, each with six wings: With two wings they covered their faces, with two they covered their feet, and with two they were flying.  And they were calling to one another”

The prophet Isaiah is given a glimpse into the Throne room of Heaven and attempts to describe what he sees. The angels around God are referred to  as “Seraphs”, which translates into “fiery ones”. They are fearsome beings, ablaze with purifying fire.  

Their six wings are used to protect their face from the raging glory of God, cover their feet out of respect for His holiness, and allow them to hover for immediate deployment as the most intimidating special ops forces of all time. 

To say the least - these ain’t your Christmas tree angels. These are the creatures that caused battle tested Roman Soldiers to faint in fear outside the tomb on Easter morning.  Scripture describes them as warriors engaged in combat against evil. These were the forces I imagine pressing at the gates of Heaven during the crucifixion, desiring to annihilate a world of humans who would disrespect their King. 

Terrifying, intense angels, yet even with their power, they must shield their eyes and bow before our magnificent God. 

So why today do we depict God as an elderly grandfather on the auction block for our consideration? Why do we pretend we are judges instead of those to be judged? 

Simply because it feeds our arrogance.  It makes us feel powerful…It is an absurd position to take when even these servant angels are more powerful than we can comprehend

Consider who you worship.  God’s glory should be terrifying and comforting at the same time. If you get just a glimpse of who you pray to, you suddenly understand the power of prayer. If you get a glance at the Holiness of God, it illuminates your sin, and reveals your desperate need of grace. 

We serve an omnipotent, all-powerful God.  He is incomprehensible an unapproachable - except for one thing…He loves you and has paid an incredible price to redeem you as His child. 

That is the most important statement you will ever read. 

“A necessary pre-cursor of any great spiritual awakening is a spirit of deep humiliation growing out of a consciousness of sin, and fresh revelation of the holiness and power and glory of God.”

- John R. Mott

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