Tuesday, March 21, 2023

2 Peter 1:3 3/21/2023*

“His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and goodness.”

This verse is clear about what it takes to live a godly life. The requirement is the “Full Knowledge of him who called us”… There are no self-improvement techniques, no self-empowerment tools… In fact, “self” is not part of the equation.

Full knowledge of Jesus gives us everything we need to live godly lives. Peter uses words like  “All” and  “Everything ” to make the point emphatic - Nothing we need is lacking, and nothing we need comes from us - it is all a gift from God.

What does it look like to live a godly life?

“Godliness” is behavior produced by the constant realization of His abiding Spirit. The recognition of God, and the acknowledgement of His omnipresence produces a godly life.  That may sound oversimplified but understanding that God is near, changes everything.  Godliness means you put every thought, word, and action through that filter and that modifies your life. You don’t act differently SO you will be saved… but because you have BEEN saved you act differently… Your knowledge of Him produces a transformation that is unmistakable. 

The knowledge of Christ opens your eyes to see the world as God created it – instead of as man has attempted to re-create it.  It produces a God centered worldview that guides your path.

If you want godliness – don’t believe the lies that make it complicated as though God has hidden His will.  Get in the Word daily, attain knowledge, and God will change your perspective. 

This letter was written toward the end of Peter’s life. At this point he had traveled with Jesus, walked on water, cut off a soldier’s ear, denied Christ and been restored, witnessed Pentecost…and more. But when the question of what it takes to live a godly life is asked, Peter’s answer is “get to know Jesus”.  

God saved you through His Glory and Goodness, sending His Son to redeem you… Your transformation is all about knowing Him. It not only has nothing to do with self-help – it’s the renunciation of any effort to do so. We are saved by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone.

“You contribute nothing to your salvation except the sin that made it necessary.”

― Jonathan Edwards

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