Tuesday, November 7, 2023

ISAIAH 2:22 11/7/2023*

“Take no account of man, whose breath of life is in his nostrils; For why should he be esteemed?”

In this age of “influencers” attempting to sell you a template for your life… this verse is good advice… Stop looking to other humans for guidance, value, or self-esteem.

We frantically chase after diets, workouts, jobs, clothes… anything that we think can cover our insecurities… and worse, we think we are the only ones who feel that way.  This self-doubt is reinforced every time we look at our phones and see all our perfect “friends” with their perfect jobs, marriages, and lives. 

This verse says that that perception is a lie… They are in the same boat as you. Most are searching for meaning, and living their life “one escape after another”… This verse says that, just like you, they are 30 seconds away from needing their next breath just to continue living.  

Maybe that is why God has us breathe 22,000 times a day. To remind us that life is a fragile gift, and 22,000 times a day we should be grateful for it.

We should use more of those breaths to thank Him since every rich, powerful, famous person on earth would give everything they own – just for that next breath. 

So, it makes no sense to esteem people who are in the same predicament as you are… Why look to them for guidance?... They are searching for control they will never find – so why follow them?  Instead follow the one who breathed life into you in the first place. Look to Him to establish your value and give you direction. 

We are all running the same race… sinners in need of redemption which we cannot afford. “Self-help” is a misnomer… We need help from power not found within ourselves. Salvation is a gift only found through the death and resurrection of Jesus.  

Love everyone – envy no one. Stop looking for life models online, in clubs, or in the rich and famous …That’s all just smoke and mirrors.  

Jesus said He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.  He came to give you life abundantly.  Your value and security come from walking humbly with God and following His Word… everything else is just a distraction.

“Religion says earn your life. Secular society says create your life. Jesus says, 'My life for your life. - Timothy Keller

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