Tuesday, June 4, 2024

John 13:34 -35 6/4/2024

“I am giving you a new commandment, that you love one another… By this all people will know that you are My disciples…”

Most of us have heard these verses. What many people don’t realize however, are the circumstances surrounding this “new” commandment. Jesus didn’t say this when everything was “hunky-dory”… in fact, the world was coming apart at the seams… Just prior to this,  Judas had left dinner to betray Jesus, Christ would soon have His heart broken by His close friend ...The disciples also would suffer. Their world was about to be shattered by the arrest, trials, and crucifixion of their Savior and friend. 

So, there is a massive impending crisis and what does Jesus do?  He didn’t specify survival techniques; He didn’t outline a political campaign. The game plan appeared to be that they would look the  storm in the eye and love each other better.  He reinforced  it by saying it would be that love that identifies who they belong to.  

If you check the news today, it appears our world is on fire – God says to love one another better… All this click generating panic is not from God. Sure, we should educate ourselves and stand for truth, but our countenance must be of men who trust that God is omnipotent in every circumstance… There is no fear in love and if we rely on His power, we will walk confidently, trusting HIS plans, not ours. 

Jesus says this love is our ID card. People will know I am a “Christian”, Not by my debate skills, but because I fearlessly love others.  

It doesn’t mean we acquiesce to cultural norms; it doesn’t mean we blindly follow instructions… It just means that every plan must clear the standard of loving God and loving others prior to us acting on them.  

Everything I do must be generated by an unfaltering faith in God’s power to mitigate the outcome, and an unfailing love for His children. That will give me the peace and confidence that should flow from all believers, and it will give me the assurance needed to abandon anxiety and instead display this “new” command of loving others. This was Jesus’ answer to the crisis… will I follow it?

“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God…“
– God (Isaiah 41:10)

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