Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Exodus 13:3 7/16/2024

“And Moses said to the people, “Remember this day in which you departed from Egypt, from the house of slavery; for by a powerful hand the Lord brought you out from this place…”

From the beginning God has told us to remember the mighty things He has done.  

We are instructed to have faith - not a blind faith -  but a proven faith… based on past deliverance. God has repeatedly proven His trustworthiness and instructs us to build monuments or celebrate certain days to remind us that He is faithful. 

We don’t need to be taught self-pity, that comes naturally.  But we do need to practice gratitude. Gratitude and anxiety cannot exist in the brain at the same time. Gratefulness reduces the level of cortisol, otherwise known as the stress hormone.  So, if your anxious, start counting  your blessings … The breath you just took can be the first one on your list.

Our memories are short when we are blessed - and long when we are hurt – that should be reversed. We should purposefully ingrain the victories in our minds so we will have confidence at the next challenge.

We need altars and ceremonies to turn our gaze from ourselves to God. Our strength is only found in His strength.  Our worth is only found in His worth.  We emphasize the fact that He loves us -  but more precisely we should focus on “why” He loves us…. We didn’t earn it… It is not because of our good works. He loves us because we are His. He has chosen us to be His cherished children and paid the adoption fee with His blood. While we were rejecting Him, He died to save us. That is why we are more than conquerors, that is why we are thankful….  Gratefulness is the spontaneous response to this grace.  

Put that message on a sign above  your bathroom mirror, place a note in your car, put a cross on your desk... but do something that constantly reminds you of the fact that He created you, He loves you, and in spite of your failures, you are the apple of His eye.

Gratitude is the only rational response to His blessings. It will change your life if you will just be still long enough to remember all He has done. 

“Gratitude is the healthiest of all human emotions.” – Zig Ziglar

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