Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Hebrews 13:1-3 8/6/2024

“Let love of the brothers and sisters continue.  Do not neglect hospitality to strangers, for by this some have entertained angels without knowing it.  Remember the prisoners, as though in prison with them, and those who are badly treated, since you yourselves also are in the body.”

If you read this verse in the original language …it means exactly what it says in English…. In this passage God is “cutting to the chase” and telling us precisely how we must live.  It sounds a lot like Jesus’ answer about the greatest commandment of all….  Love God and love your neighbor.  If you do that, the rest of the law will fall into place. 

There is extra punch added when you read that some of us have entertained angels.  We have interacted with beings who reside in the presence of God.  How differently would we greet strangers and meet their needs if we kept that in mind? 

What about the rest of the passage? ... How do I treat prisoners? How do I treat the downtrodden? … How many times have I unknowingly ignored the needs of  angels causing Heaven to hear a first-person account of my calloused arrogance? 

The difficulty in applying these verses is that the things demanded are merely symptoms.  They only occur when love has invaded your heart.  You cannot offer what you don’t have. So, to fulfill this passage God will have to fill your heart with His love.  Then you will treat others with kindness and hospitality because what is in your heart is what splashes out on others when you get jostled.

If you want to be frustrated, keep pretending you care about others in order to advance yourself… But if you want to live as God intended, put others first and love with reckless abandon.  Rest in the fact that God has met all of your needs.  That will give you freedom … 

So, let’s set some goals -  encourage three people before lunch today.  Greet strangers as though they may have just left the presence of God. Start each morning with prayer and scripture… Then you will naturally fulfill this passage by treating others in a way that will make even celestial beings feel right at home. 

“Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing.”  - Mother Teresa

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