Tuesday, September 24, 2024

1 CORINTHIANS 8:1-3 9/24/2024

“Now concerning food sacrificed to idols, we know that we all have knowledge. Knowledge makes one conceited, but love edifies people.”

1 Corinthians was written in response to questions from the church.  Apparently, believers had correctly deduced that an idol is just a lifeless object.  So, if meat killed in front of it is cheaper, why not eat it? 

However, some new believers were disturbed by this activity… They were hurt by the freedom practiced by these “mature” believers … So, apparently the mature believers wrote Paul, requesting approval for this practice. 

It’s not a difficult theological question… those eating the meat were right…  It makes no difference whether an animal is slaughtered in a barn, or in front of an inanimate idol... But Paul responds to the problem the question reveals… not the question itself.  

He is perhaps repeating the statement “We all possess knowledge.” …and then criticizes the underlying reason for it.  He, not too gently, points out that knowledge puffs you up… but love builds others up. 

If I say, ”my humility makes me better than you” – You know there’s a problem with that statement. Paul is pointing out an issue to the Corinthians in the same way. If you say you know about love, yet your knowledge leads you to run roughshod over your neighbor’s feelings, then you don’t know about love. 

Paul is saying that they have a heart problem.  He is explaining to them that being correct doesn’t always make you right. Paul could have properly said, “eat what you want”, as Luke said in Acts 10:15.  But in this case Paul doesn’t want to discuss the law, he wants to address their hearts toward their younger brothers and sisters in the faith. Your knowledge of the law is flawed if you use it to only promote yourself. 

When is the last time you gave up your freedom for fellow believers?  Have you ever passed on an argument you could have won because you cared more about others than yourself?  Later in this letter, Paul basically says, “if eating my favorite food causes my brother to stumble, then it’s off the menu”… Is that your approach to your friends at church – or does your “knowledge of your rights” make you the most important person in the pew?

“A man wrapped up in himself makes a very small bundle.”
- Benjamin Franklin

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Romans 8:18-19 9/17/2024

“For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us.   For the eagerly awaiting creation waits for the revealing of the sons and daughters of God.” 

Peace of mind comes from our perspective.  We each choose our mindset based on what we know to be true.  Our culture continuously spews agitating lies to unsettle us and move us in the direction the puppet masters want us to go, but at the end of the day, the choice is ours. 

I had an uncle who lived in Palestine, Texas that I called Uncle Jack. I loved him dearly and he taught me much about life.  Uncle Jack was a postman and farmed about 20 acres of land as well. He was a godly, country gentleman, who quietly served his family, community, and church until the day they found his body sitting by a tree where he had been working his land. 

This morning’s passage begins with the phrase “I consider”, which the commentators say should be translated “I reckon”…  and that is what reminded me of Uncle Jack. That is something he would say, and something he lived out.  He “reckoned” any trouble on this side of heaven wasn’t really worth mentioning, considering what his Savior had done for him.  Uncle Jack didn’t waste much time complaining.  He chose each day instead to get up, do his job, come home, farm his land, and find joy in loving others … and looking back, I find great wisdom in that. Uncle Jack controlled what he could control, and trusted God with the rest. 

Paul says I should do the same.  If I believe what I say I believe, my troubles today fade in light of what I have been promised for tomorrow. And it’s not just me… the entire creation has been waiting for Christ’s return, and that is what we must focus on.  The Gospel doesn’t just set me free; it makes the world right again. 

I need to focus on this eternal truth and not spend so much time obsessing over my day-to-day struggles.  Uncle Jack would’ve said, “I reckon today’s problems are in bigger hands than mine”…  and based on this verse, I reckon I agree with him. 

“Sorrow looks back, Worry looks around, Faith looks up” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

John 2:16-17 9/10/2024

“And to those who were selling the doves He said, “Take these things away from here; stop making My Father’s house a place of business!” His disciples remembered that it was written: “Zeal for Your house will consume me.” 

This passage describes when Jesus walked into the Temple and found it being dishonored, used as a place for personal advancement instead of  worship.  He found people pursuing profit not purity, using God’s house to fleece God’s children.  His zealous reaction didn’t surprise  the disciples as it had been prophesied in Psalms nearly a thousand years earlier. 

The Temple was a beautiful building. Its purpose was to allow people to receive communication from the Lord.  It was sacred ground and the abuse of it deeply angered Christ. 

I heartily applaud His actions when it is directed at the moneychangers …but am less enthusiastic about what should happen when I am the one abusing the temple.  Scripture says my body houses the Holy Spirit.  Is there any doubt of God’s response when I pollute it with hypocrisy, lust, anger, or self-centeredness?  How can I applaud the turning over of the moneychanger’s tables, and then be surprised at God’s anger when in the name of “religion”, I act just like them.  The next verses refer to Jesus body as the Temple, so the application is undeniable.  

This highlights a crucial fact.  We don’t take our bodies TO church….our bodies ARE the church. We are the Temple of the Holy Spirit. How can we fill our hearts with perversion, drugs, drunkenness, and self-righteousness, and expect God’s Spirit to reside there?

To pollute our “Temples”  and then show up on Sunday for hypocritical self-advancement, looks a lot like the activity that angered Christ in this passage.  God does not change, so we should expect His reaction to be similar.   

He made a whip, scattered the money, and turned over the tables…  You can argue if you want to, but it is clear that God resides in your heart and expects you  to sanctify it and keep it holy… God is still zealous about His Temple, and that necessitates that you walk in purity. It stirs His wrath when you claim to be His child, while you defile His house. 

“The temple in which the Lord Jesus delights most, is a broken and contrite heart, renewed by the Holy Spirit.” - J. C. Ryle

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Philippians 4:6-7 9/3/2024

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

Anxiety is our new epidemic.  Technology has re-wired our brains, and  Instant gratification is our expectation… If we don’t get immediate fulfilment and/or relief our default response is anxiety. 

This passage contains a remedy for this.  It was written 2000 years before the “Anxiety & Depression Association of America” discovered the same thing and called it  “Habit Reversal Training”. The ADAA’s description of  HRT is “ the use of a competing response, which is an action that is incompatible with the habit you are trying to break”.  They recommend gratitude for breaking anxiety, since they are incompatible in the brain together.

So, it only took psychologists 2000 years to partially catch up with the truth scripture teaches here. The full truth of course is that you can find rest in an all-powerful Heavenly Father who loves you. But this verse specifies that if you prayerfully thank God for His blessings, unexplainable peace will guard your heart and mind. 

Scripture does not imply this is easy. But Paul confirms what the ADAA has finally figured out - that God has created you in a way that causes thanking Him and praising Him to bring you peace.

Ephesians describes a battle where faith is a shield that extinguishes the flaming arrows of the evil one. Anxiety is an arrow that burns hotter than most. God says faith can put it out, and gratitude can bring healing to your heart and mind. 

This is a war… but God promises we are more than conquerors.  Do what you can to alleviate your anxiety. Talk to your doctor, talk to your friends, eat well, get rest… But most importantly talk to God and meditate on scripture, not circumstance… Faith is your shield, and scripture is your sword so fight back.  

Refuse to dwell on your past or dread your future… Reach out to others for help, you are not alone.  Thank God for His blessings. Then prayerfully open your Bible and win todays battle… trusting that His blood has covered yesterday, and His loving power will control tomorrow.

“We cannot always trace God's hand, but we can always trust God's heart.”
- Spurgeon