Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Romans 8:18-19 9/17/2024

“For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us.   For the eagerly awaiting creation waits for the revealing of the sons and daughters of God.” 

Peace of mind comes from our perspective.  We each choose our mindset based on what we know to be true.  Our culture continuously spews agitating lies to unsettle us and move us in the direction the puppet masters want us to go, but at the end of the day, the choice is ours. 

I had an uncle who lived in Palestine, Texas that I called Uncle Jack. I loved him dearly and he taught me much about life.  Uncle Jack was a postman and farmed about 20 acres of land as well. He was a godly, country gentleman, who quietly served his family, community, and church until the day they found his body sitting by a tree where he had been working his land. 

This morning’s passage begins with the phrase “I consider”, which the commentators say should be translated “I reckon”…  and that is what reminded me of Uncle Jack. That is something he would say, and something he lived out.  He “reckoned” any trouble on this side of heaven wasn’t really worth mentioning, considering what his Savior had done for him.  Uncle Jack didn’t waste much time complaining.  He chose each day instead to get up, do his job, come home, farm his land, and find joy in loving others … and looking back, I find great wisdom in that. Uncle Jack controlled what he could control, and trusted God with the rest. 

Paul says I should do the same.  If I believe what I say I believe, my troubles today fade in light of what I have been promised for tomorrow. And it’s not just me… the entire creation has been waiting for Christ’s return, and that is what we must focus on.  The Gospel doesn’t just set me free; it makes the world right again. 

I need to focus on this eternal truth and not spend so much time obsessing over my day-to-day struggles.  Uncle Jack would’ve said, “I reckon today’s problems are in bigger hands than mine”…  and based on this verse, I reckon I agree with him. 

“Sorrow looks back, Worry looks around, Faith looks up” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

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