“And Rachel and Leah replied, “Do we have any portion or inheritance left in our father’s house? Are we not regarded by him as outsiders? Not only has he sold us, but he has certainly squandered what was paid for us. Surely all the wealth that God has taken away from our father belongs to us and to our children…”
For the first time, Jacob’s wives, Rachel and Leah, agree on something. These two sisters have been at odds and in competition for two decades. But Jacob’s plot to deceive and steal from their father brings them together. It appears that the deceptiveness of Jacob has poisoned his family.
This is something we should spend time considering. Jacob, a man chosen by God, has tolerated the sin of deceptiveness in his life… and it has infected his family.
What sins have I allowed to poison my children? …or to be less dramatic, what bad habits have I made it easier for my children to tolerate? What shortcomings have I permitted in my conduct causing my wife and kids to deem them acceptable.
As I proclaimed the gospel to the outside world, was I selfish at home? As I preached the grace of God was I moody and unforgiving with those closest to me. Did my angry words at times go unchecked and unconfessed?
I am not suggesting you wallow in guilt based on this passage, but this is definitely a call to examine the path ahead. This passage should be impactful on our future.
I must intentionally set up systems in my life to make sure my mouth and my feet send the same message. I must walk the truth I speak because the principle I see illustrated by Jacobs wives, is that those around me will be changed by my actions, not my opinions.
Don’t read this and then dwell on the guilt of your past …. Instead, confess your sin, repent, and change. Then build practices that train you to walk in faith. Start each day reading your Bible, and in prayer. Regularly memorize scripture and assemble friends who will hold you accountable.
There is absolutely no doubt that your habits will impact those around you… the question is will it improve them or cause them to stumble.
“To set a lofty example is the richest bequest a man can leave behind him.”
- Samuel Smiles
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