Tuesday, July 31, 2018

2 Corinthians 3:17 7/31/2018*

“…where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.”

How long will we continue to daily put on the chains of sin and call it freedom?

Why do we listen to the lie that God wants to take away our liberty when His desire is to do the opposite?

We live in a world of bondage, obsession, and addiction… and only the Spirit of God can free us… only those that God has liberated are truly free.

The definition of frustration is to fight against something you cannot defeat…Without Christ you cannot defeat sin.  You can make resolutions, talk about change, go to church and determine to improve…but without Jesus you are a slave. 

The blood of Jesus is the fuel in the engine that sets you free. 

If you are living a life of frustration maybe it is because you are out of gas. You have built a fine religious vehicle, but it won’t run because you are trying to power it with your own works and have neglected the Cross.

Understand that you can be free today. Receive the gift that Jesus offers and walk out of prison.

It is not a process … it is a moment of acceptance, a change of position, and a lifetime of freedom.

Stop trying to be better, and allow Jesus to make you new… you have been redeemed at a great cost…and that redemption has opened the door to your cell. 

Where His Spirit is there is freedom.

“God never guides us at some time in the future, but always here and now. Realize that the Lord is here now, and the freedom you receive is immediate."
- Oswald Chambers

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

James 3:7-8 7/24/2018*

All kinds of animals, birds, reptiles and sea creatures are being tamed and have been tamed by mankind, but no human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison.

Do you ever think of your tongue as a restless evil?

We treat it as our ally, but this verse would indicate it can be one of our greatest advisories.

How many times has this “restless evil” poisoned my life, yet I continue to give it free reign from day to day?

I continue to think it can boost my position and give me advantage. When, in reality, it is responsible for much of the heartbreak in my life.

As a society we have abandoned any thought of taming the tongue and instead seem to encourage reckless abandon when it comes to speaking. There is no thought of truth or wisdom as we vomit out anything that might help our side win.

That should not describe children of God.  We should be different.

Animals that cannot be tamed are kept in a cage.  Do that to your tongue today.  Treat it like a dangerous animal.  Watch it carefully and never let it get in a position to hurt you…. because if it has the chance it will.

Be slow to speak and quick to listen and understand that you carry a poison in your mouth capable of destroying friendships, families, and yourself…

Never trust your tongue in the moment.

You cannot tame it, so determine today to watch it carefully and keep it in it’s cage.

“What you may not realize is that the words you say, and the words you hear from others have the power to change your entire life.”
― Alex Uwajeh

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

2 Chronicles 5: 14 7/17/2018*

“and the priests could not perform their service because of the cloud, for the glory of the Lord filled the temple of God.”

When is the last time God interrupted your religion with His presence?

Solomon had just spent seven years building the Temple, and the day had finally arrived to bring in the Ark of the Covenant.  An elaborate plan was in place, complete with priest, singers, musicians, and all the ceremony rightly expected for such a remarkable occasion.

As they sang about God’s love and faithfulness, His presence entered the temple…and the arrival of God stopped the ceremony…. I am sure they had planned more events for the celebration, but it all ended when God showed up.

Has that happened to you lately?  Have you been stilled by the awesomeness of God? Has His arrival at your worship service stopped you in your tracks?

We are instructed to be still and know the majesty of God. Yet we seem to always be in a hurry.  Even our church programs can push us to the point of missing the point…. Sometimes we need to just stand in amazement and remember the reason for all the activity.

Allow that to happen to you today…Don’t let the activities of your religion blind you to His majesty and power.  Allow yourself to be engulfed in the cloud of the glory of the Lord.

Your strength does not come from your religious activity, it comes from the presence of God in your life. 

When His Spirit invades your ceremony…slow down, let your program end, and stand in awe of the God you serve.

“We are two free from wonder now days, too easy with the word of God; we do not use it in breathless amazement ...”
- Oswald Chambers 

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Isaiah 55:8-9 7/10/2018*

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, “declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

Have we lost our awareness of the majesty of God? 

Some people acknowledge the existence of God, but disagree with His management style, so they are not interested in knowing Him.  But that approach is intellectually flawed.

If you are convinced there is no God, then defend that position. But, to say that God exist and that you disagree with His actions, is a little like a hamster arguing against Einstein’s theory of relativity. You cannot argue what you do not have the capacity to comprehend.

If you have admitted there is a God that created you. You cannot demand He appear before you, so you can deliver judgement on His conduct.  It is logically inconsistent to believe that the created, can judge the Creator. 

God does exist… and He has made sure that in our hearts we all know that to be true. (Romans 1:19).  What we seem to have forgotten is that His complexity, supremacy, and intellect are beyond our wildest imaginations.

Our apathy towards God is a product of us trying to make Him into our image.  We water down His greatness until we end up with a god not worthy of our devotion. Perhaps we don’t want to serve God because we have completely missed who and what He is…. Maybe for our comfort, we have defined Him in such a way that we can put Him in a convenient box. 

The fact that we do not endorse what God does is not an inditement of His character, but of our capacity to understand Him.

Spend some time today striving to comprehend the actual God of the bible. You will only have the ability to understand a fraction of His glory. You will only be capable of seeing a glimpse.… but if you see it…that glimpse will be enough to change you forever.

“If you can’t see the sun you will be impressed with a street light. … And if you turn your back on the greatness and majesty of God you’ll fall in love with a world of shadows and short-lived pleasures.”
John Piper

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Proverbs 12:27-28 7/3/2018*

“The one who has knowledge uses words with restraint, and whoever has understanding is even-tempered. Even fools are thought wise if they keep silent, and discerning if they hold their tongues.”

When is the last time you had a sentence formulated in your mind and you just swallowed it because it wasn’t necessary?

Can you remember passing up a comment simply because it wasn’t uplifting, or helpful?

We tend to believe quick witted, snarky comments are sign of intellectual prowess… but according to this scripture it is the activity of fools.

What would happen today if you only said things that built others up?  How many words could you save if you eliminated all the self-serving, and careless comments you make.

I want to challenge you to answer that question. 

Let’s conduct an experiment…. put every word you say today through a filter.  Don’t let a syllable out of your mouth that isn’t necessary and intended to build up those to whom it is directed. Instead of vomiting out every word that enters your mind, first make sure they are worth saying.

Begin this morning with the concept that, by their value, every word must earn the right to leave your mouth - and see where it takes you.

I think you will be amazed at how much less you say.

Using words with restraint will change your countenance and the image you present to others. According to scripture you will appear more knowledgeable and people will consider you to be wise.

… you may want to make it a habit.

“The less men think, the more they talk.”
-  Charles de Montesquieu