Tuesday, September 24, 2019

James 4:17 9/24/2019*

“Therefore, whoever knows the right thing to do, yet fails to do it, is guilty of sin.”

This verse would indicate that God wants us to play both sides of the ball. Of course we must defend against temptation, but we also need to run to the battle and play offense by doing what we know is right.

If you ask most people to define sin they will give you a long list of things you are not supposed to do. But this passage broadens that definition.

There are obviously sins of commission, but what about sins of omission?  Most of us don’t intend to kill and steal today …but do we have a plan to do what God has laid on our heart to do?...If we ignore His prodding James labels it a sin.

So, what is James talking about?   Maybe he is referring to the Spirit’s nudging about the guy you know that eats by himself each day? … or the widow in your neighborhood that God is pushing you to call or visit…  or the family you know in dire financial need?

Our faith is not just restrictive - it must be assertive as well. When we only worry about what we should not do, our faith becomes lifeless.  We need to have vibrant, active, busy faith. Faith that reaches for our wallet to help other people, faith that visits hospitals, faith that interrupts our daily schedule to help strangers. 

Let’s plan to DO something today.  Ask God to give you a “mission”. It won’t take Him long to put a need on your heart… when He does, go meet it.

No doubt it is important that you abstain from even the appearance of evil…but while you are not doing anything wrong today…let’s set out to do some things right.

Call Compassion and support a child, provide funding to a mission that feeds the homeless, pray for those God puts on your heart.

This verse says it’s a sin to ignore God and not do what you know is right. What it doesn’t mention is how exhilarating it is when you do what He says… play a little offense today and you will see what I mean.

“It is not only what we do, but also what we do not do, for which we are accountable.” ― Molière

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

John 20:21 9/17/2019*

“Again Jesus said, “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.”

Are you taking your mission seriously? 

Jesus says, “I am sending you” and it is not to make money and keep yourself comfortable.

God sent Jesus to die on a cross and provide a path to salvation… Now Christ is sending you IN THE SAME WAY to teach the way to salvation that the cross purchased.  

If your life has felt meaningless lately maybe you have allowed it to become that way…. This is your meaning…. your purpose is to love others and lead them to Christ.

“As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.”
is not just a figure of speech. It is a comparison…a directive….it is an explanation as to how we are to view our role in spreading the gospel. We should have an urgency and focus like Jesus did with every person we meet today.

Sharing God’s plan of salvation is not just something on your “to do list” -- it is the reason you get out of bed in the morning…. It is why we are still here…. everything else is incidental.

So, what is your plan? What are you going to DO?

As you go to school, or work, or wherever God takes you today, approach it like a warrior crossing enemy lines.  Be alert… Look for the wounded and take them the life-giving truth of God. A few simple words from you could be a pivot point in their life with eternal impact.

Look for an opening to talk to someone today about what Jesus has done for you.  Put on the whole armor of God and run to the battle looking for any opportunity God provides for you to spread His love and plan.

Believe me the enemy will be intentional so you must be as well. Put together a game plan that puts you in a position to advance the Kingdom today… we have an eternally significant mission … so let’s go!

“Every Christian is either a missionary or an impostor.” - Charles Spurgeon

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

2 Corinthians 4:18 9/10/2019*

“So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.”

This chapter recognizes the fact that we live in a fallen world in which we are getting older and wasting away…This verse is at the end of the chapter and while it acknowledges these trials it says we shouldn’t stare at them.

So, the question we must as ourselves is …what are our eyes fixed on?
Financial crisis?  Health issues? Family problems? Employment difficulties? ...This verse says all these things have one thing in common – they are temporary. 

They are used to distract us and take our focus off eternal matters.

In a shell game the trick is to not be distracted by the empty shells. Never look away from the shell that contains the prize. No matter what happens you never let it out of your sight. Life is the same way…you must never let the urgent distract you from the important.

We all have a long list of problems…regardless of our well-crafted on-line image…everyone is struggling with something. We also all have a long list of things for which we should be thankful. 

The tone of your life will be based on which list you focus on.

You must decide what you fix your eyes on realizing that your soul is eternal, and nothing temporary is ever going to satisfy it.   

Constant emphasis on temporary problems, possessions, and experiences will lead to a shallow life that swings wildly between despair and happiness.  But focusing on eternal things will create a solid foundation that leads to a life that radiates joy regardless of circumstances.

The key is understanding that it is a choice…and choices have consequences. 

So, decide today to place your attention on the everlasting.  Only give a passing glance at the temporary and build your foundation on the fact that we are “aliens and strangers” passing through this world on our way to our eternal home.

The first thing you learn in most sports…is the most important thing you will learn in life…. Block out distractions and keep your eye on the ball.

“Perpetual devotion to what a man calls his business, is only to be sustained by perpetual neglect of many other things.”
― Robert Louis Stevenson

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

1 Corinthians 15:33 9/3/2019*

“Do not be misled: "Bad company corrupts good character."

This is a commonsense warning not an exclusionary statement. It deals with your “buddies” not people you spend time with occasionally.

It is a fact that the people we spend the most time with, influence us. They can make us better or make us worse. They can challenge us or make us comfortable in our mediocrity.

As a coach I used to say, “show me your friends and I’ll show you your future”.

Since we coached the same way every year, the differences in record reflected the differences in the team members. Attitude is contagious…you cannot spend a season with a group of guys and not have them impact you. You need to pick your team carefully… you should have a group you intentionally spend time with that pushes you to improve.

You need solid men, committed to Christ to encourage you and hold you accountable. Guys pursuing morality and integrity as opposed to those who would make you comfortable in lowering the bar. When iron strikes iron it sharpens it… You need a “life group” that makes you better.

This verse can be misapplied and appear snobbish. Make no mistake, you are not too good for anyone… you love everyone – You exclude no one – But you should have a squad that you intentionally and methodically invest time with that makes you stronger, braver, more disciplined, and more focused.

Look at the people you spend the most time with and you will see your future… If you don’t like what you see redirect time toward a team you can train with…It’s important and is something you should do strategically.

This will not happen by accident. You must Seek out people running toward the same goals you are chasing regarding your family, your career, and your walk with Christ.

When you stumble they will pick you up, and when they stumble you can return the favor.

Make a commitment to have each other’s back and to leave no one behind.  Like a group of soldiers find some guys you can trust with your life. Because whether you realize it or not that is exactly what you are doing.

“A true friend is the greatest of all blessings, and that which we take the least care of all to acquire.” - Francois de La Rochefoucauld