Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Luke 10:36-37 8/25/2020*

“Which of these three do you think proved to be a neighbor to the man who fell into the robbers’ hands?”  And he said, “The one who showed mercy toward him.” Then Jesus said to him, “Go and do the same.”

Jesus tells the parable of the Good Samaritan in answer to a lawyer who was trying to establish who he had to love to fulfill the commandment “love your neighbor as yourself.” 

Jesus doesn’t tell him how to identify a neighbor - but instead how to be a neighbor. 

The subtle message in that answer is one we need to hear today.  

By worldly definition, the victim in the story was not a “neighbor” of the Samaritan. Their culture would have made them enemies…. different tribe and ethnicity. In fact, making the Samaritan the hero of the story probably offended the Jews.

But Jesus is teaching a lesson. He is showing that skin color, ethnic origin, nationality…none of these matter in the Kingdom of God. 

He is telling us not to worry about who the person in need is…worry about who we are.

 In the parable the Priest and the Levite who passed by the injured man were just too busy. The things on their “to-do list” precluded them from being a neighbor that day and If we are not careful our calendar can do the same thing to us.

Some days it seems there isn’t time to fit being a Christian into our busy schedule. But Jesus says go and act like the guy whose schedule took a backseat to his Christianity.

 There are people near you who need to feel loved…Will you make time?…Is that a priority to you?

Will you call the senior citizen who has been trapped in their room for months and talk to them for a while?

Will you mow the yard of the person down the street who is struggling?

Will you call the friend who lost their job and offer a helping hand?

Jesus said – “go and do the same”.…He is telling you to mimic someone who allowed another person’s problem to interrupt their schedule.

Love is seldom convenient - so act when the opportunity presents itself - don’t just agree with the concept…make a plan and do it today  

“You do not write your life with words. . . You write it with actions.“ - Patrick Ness

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Psalm 103:2 8/18/2020*

“Bless the LORD, O my soul, And forget none of His benefits;”

How often do you stop and thank God for individual blessings? It seems we ignore blessings until they disappear.  

Just six months ago - did you thank God when you went to a concert or a ball game?...Did you appreciate being able to hug your grandmother?...  Were you grateful that you could meet friends at a restaurant in a carefree environment?

Probably not…What about now?  When did you last thank God for the good things you have today?

Even with all the problems we face – We are awash in blessings. Most people on earth would trade places with us in a heartbeat. Do you thank God for those benefits?

Have you thanked Him that there is a grocery store – or just complained about wearing a mask? 

Are you grateful for our brave first responders – or do you just grumble about the fraction that abuse authority?

Do you appreciate your right to vote – or do you spend your time complaining about the choices?

It is completely up to you – the mood of your life depends on what you do with this verse.

Make the choice to be thankful. Stop spreading criticism and despair. Quit telling everyone what they’re doing wrong and instead find a way to encourage. Constantly correcting and arguing does not come from your intellect – it comes from your ego.  

When I coached there were inevitably players who felt the need to continually tell other players what they were doing wrong.  My usual comment to them was: “You encourage, and I’ll coach”. 

I think God may be saying that to some of us right now.

Maybe we should stop pointing fingers and look in the mirror. Maybe we should have some faith and be reassuring. God is working out revival and restoration as we speak…That is His job…our job is to trust that He is working.

Live differently today…Instead of anxiously focusing on the virus…or fretting about the economy… or worrying about politics – open your eyes to your current blessings.

See the things God is doing and be grateful.  It will change you from the inside out.  And perhaps when others hear your thankfulness - it will disrupt the flow of negativity- and rescue those around you from despair. 

“The man who forgets to be thankful has fallen asleep in life.”- Robert Louis Stevenson

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Psalm 51:10 8/11/2020*

“Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.

David wrote this prayer after his greatest personal failing and it reflected a sentiment that, despite his sinfulness, made David a man after God’s own heart. (Acts 13:22)

“Create in me a clean heart” is not a request for renovation – but a plea for new construction.…David desires to have his adulterous heart obliterated and replaced with a clean heart free from lust, selfishness, and pride.   

“Renew a steadfast Spirit” is an appeal to be made faithful.  David asks to have a loyal spirit restored within him that will allow him to please God and resist temptation.

Though he is a king, David is not decreeing what he plans to do for himself – he is begging God to do something for him. Trying to have communion with God any other way is a waste of time. Your sanctification is solely dependent on God’s authority and grace. All you bring to the table is your need.

David remorsefully admits his guilt and asks for forgiveness.  He does not blame Bathsheba for bathing on the balcony.  He does not excuse his infidelity by citing the pressure of being king.  Nor does he attempt to minimize his sin…. He confesses in brokenness, offers no excuse, and repents. 

To chase after God’s own heart is to agree with His standard.  To acknowledge His truth as the only truth. To have a clear mirror that shows your faults. No deflection. No justification.  No self-help theory…Just a recognition of your corruptness, and a desire for forgiveness and transformation. 

No matter how catastrophic your fall has been… you can be redeemed. You need a clean heart - and a spirit that is loyal to your King. You cannot acquire either of these through good works, or religious ceremonies…so run to God and find them in Him…abandon all hope except the hope based on God’s sacrificial mercy.

Desperately cling to God… Be a man after His own heart. Nothing satisfies the soul like unpolluted fellowship with your Heavenly Father. And nothing will bring change to your life – except a humble recognition that you are morally bankrupt - and a deep longing to have God make you new.

“I want to deliberately encourage this mighty longing after God. The lack of it has brought us to our present low estate.”  - A.W. Tozer

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Matthew 14:15-17 8/4/2020*

But Jesus said to them, “They do not need to go away; you give them something to eat!”  They said to Him, “We have here only five loaves and two fish.”

Jesus told the disciples to feed a crowd of thousands…and one word polluted their response.

There is a difference in saying “We have five loaves of bread"... and saying, “We have (only) five loaves of bread”... one word moves the response from informative to argumentative.

Christ’s comment was not a question… He did not ask them to evaluate the difficulty of locating diner for 5000 people.  He clearly and simply said “They do not need to go away. You give them something to eat.”

What he wanted was for them to have faith.  To take their eyes of earthly restrictions and look to the power of God. “Without faith it is impossible to please God” (Heb. 11:6) … and when you have it you do not look for obstacles – you look for pathways. 

Faith in God means I bring what I have to Jesus… fully expecting that it is enough. Faith is not a desperate last resort – it is my first and only strategy. 

Each day when I open the Word of God it contains clear commands like – fear not – love others – trust God– have peace. 

Yet my tendency is to point out the problems with these orders.… How can I not fear with sickness all around?...How can I love in the middle of hate? … What peace can be found in a divided nation?

Admittedly those commands are difficult… and to ignore difficulty is irrational.  A man who does not understand his own limitations is foolish…But a man who thinks God is limited is a fool.  

Faith is deciding to look at God’s power – instead of my weakness… I must start each day aware that God is able.  I lay what I have at His feet and expect miracles.  Faith is the Christian’s nuclear weapon…it does not point out obstacles – it destroys them.  

Though the crowd around you is starving for truth and it feels overwhelming – they do not need to go away – you need to feed them - bring your limited resources to Christ, stand back, and watch what He does.

Faith is deliberate confidence in the character of God whose ways you may not understand at the time. – Oswald Chambers