Tuesday, October 25, 2022

PSALM 14:1 10/25/22*

“The fool has said in his heart, “There is no God.”…”

When I was young, my mom often quoted Matthew 5:22, which states: ”…whoever says, ‘You fool!’ shall be in danger of hell fire.”. So, I want to be careful here…But by God’s definition we seem to have fools in our midst. 

When I first read this verse, I thought of the outspoken atheists….The University Professors and politicians who enjoy asserting that their intellect has revealed that God does not exist.  I assumed this verse was for them as they clearly fit this definition of a fool.

However, it dawned on me that while I don’t say “there is no God” with my mouth – there are times that I live like that is what I believe.

According to the verse – fools say there is no God “in their heart”-  and I think that is an important phrase. Apparently, I don’t have to say it out loud. If my heart allows me to live like there is no God, then I qualify as a fool, even if my words say otherwise.

It is hypocritical that my first thoughts were not of my own shortcomings …My own rebellion should always be my first focus, because that is what I can change.  

If I intend to walk in the wisdom of God,  I must become wise and discerning. I must boldly stand against the arguments of fools. To effectively do that, I must learn to recognize a fool when I see one…even if he is in the mirror.  

God is the Supreme Judge, and though I have been found guilty - He has paid my debt. Now I am to walk humbly with Him continually acknowledging His existence and power… 

So, this morning I will first endeavor to remove the splinter from my own eye so that I may see clearly enough to help my brother out of his own folly. And the next time I read about what a fool is, I will first make sure I don’t fit the description -  then I will try to help those who do, find their way to the loving Father who has redeemed me from the madness of this world. 

“There are two kinds of people: those who say to God, 'Thy will be done,' and those to whom God says, 'All right, then, have it your way.'” - C. S. Lewis

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Colossians 1:3-5 10/18/2022*

“We give thanks to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, praying always for you, since we heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and the love which you have for all the saints;  because of the hope laid up for you in Heaven, of which you previously heard in the word of truth, the Gospel…”

Does my faith and love spring from the hope stored up for me in heaven...or is it dependent on things here on earth? Do I spontaneously share the truth with those God puts in my path, and then pray for them?

Sharing my faith should be a joyful opportunity, yet sometimes I legalistically share, as though witnessing is a burden I must carry. That was never the design. 

We have been blessed to hear the Gospel and it should  produce the same joyful response in us, that it did in the Colossians.  

If we truly understand the grace of God, it should change who we are ...It should change how we act, and it should spring from us naturally as we tell others about our faith. 

This passage not only tells us what to do - but it tells us how to do it…. My attitude should be impacted by the hope stored up for me in Heaven.

That means that the incredible news that Jesus died for me and rose from the dead – paying my debt and freeing me from sin…should CHANGE absolutely everything about me. 

Nothing in my life is untouched by that truth.  Everything I do, say, and think, is impacted by the amazing grace of God.  I should be so full of gratitude for God’s mercy and grace that it splashes out on those I bump into.

How can we blame other people for not accepting our testimony when it is stale, lifeless, and delivered reluctantly? Who would be intrigued by a faith like that?

The joy of the Lord is your strength…live in it.  In the midst of the war, focus on the Gospel that God is on the Throne and has purchased your pardon. That is the life changing “good news”… Jesus offers redemption, and freedom…and that is what we should joyfully be sharing.  

“One faithful witness is worth a thousand mute professors of religion . . . Our faith grows by expression . . . we must share it…”― Billy Graham

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

PSALM 139:1-5 10/11/2022*

“Lord, You have searched me and known me. You know when I sit down and when I get up; You understand my thought from far away. You scrutinize my path and my lying down and are acquainted with all my ways. Even before there is a word on my tongue, Behold, Lord, You know it all. You have encircled me behind and in front and placed Your hand upon me.”

The idea that God knows me completely and loves me anyway is almost incomprehensible.  

Very few people really know me…Most know the sanitized, social media version of me produced for public consumption, but they don’t actually know me.  

My family has a clearer picture - they see the tip of the iceberg - my self-centeredness, and hypocrisy,  and yet God somehow still puts love in their hearts for me.

But this passage goes beyond that ….This passage says God has seen it all…the good, the bad, and the ugly.  He’s seen our worst moments and knows our hidden secrets. He knows the lies we tell others, and the truths we are afraid to face about ourselves. 

He has seen our opinion of those not like us. He has heard the words we mutter under our breath…He knows them before we mutter them. 

Yet still He adores us.

He protectively places His hand on us. When I visualize God with His hand lovingly on my shoulder, my mind can’t really grasp it. But even my limited comprehension of this truth should be enough to change my life - regardless of circumstances.

His undeserved love for me, is implicitly stated in scripture – how can I not boldly do His work. What should I fear if God knows me completely and has chosen me as His child anyway?... Isn’t the rest just details?

How liberating it is to be cherished authentically. We don’t have to be the cleaned-up version of ourselves for God to love us.  We are completely known, and completely loved.  

In our worst moments… we can rest in our Father’s Love - knowing it has been signed, sealed, and delivered by the Cross. 

“…neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.” – Romans 8:38-39

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Genesis 45:4 10/4/2022*

“… I am Joseph, your brother,” he said, “the one you sold into Egypt! And now, do not be distressed or angry with yourselves that you sold me into this place, because it was to save lives that God sent me before you.”

Joseph looked at the brothers who had betrayed him and said, “don’t be distressed, God sent me here.”  He didn’t angrily point at them and say “your greed and jealousy caused my imprisonment”…He didn’t relish the thought of getting even… He said, “God sent me here to save lives”. 

Is that how I view difficult occurrences in my life?

It is not uncommon to see an athlete point to Heaven after a touchdown… but what about after a fumble?   We are good at figuratively pointing to Heaven after successes, but how do we respond to what we perceive as failures? 

Joseph trusts God with both. 

Scripture says it is impossible to please God without faith- and this is what faith looks like.  

I doubt that Joseph counted it as a “win” the day he found himself in the bottom of a pit, narrowly avoiding death, and being sold into slavery. But decades later, he realizes that is exactly what it was. 

So, what does it mean to have faith? Does it mean I believe God keeps small promises with reasonable deliverances? Should faith take a back seat to “being realistic”? When God’s plan deviates from mine, do I doubt Him?

What about you? In the bottom of the pit that you are facing right now, are you believing big, or living small? Are you pointing to Heaven in faith, or pointing at others with blame? 

The difficulty with perseverance is that there must be trouble to persevere through. You can’t see faith without a threat. So, make your choice. As you face your struggle today, will you be fearful, or will you count it all joy knowing God is in control?

It is motivating to read how Joseph trusted God for decades while going through challenging times. It is encouraging to see how he trusted God and did not allow circumstances to dictate his actions or attitude. 

But the real question is… is this just an entertaining story? … Or is it a templet I plan to follow?

“Faith obliterates time, annihilates distance, and brings future things at once into its possession.” - Charles Spurgeon