Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Isaiah 29:13 11/13/2018*

The Lord says: “These people come near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. Their worship of me is based on merely human rules they have been taught.

When is the last time you really spent time in worship?

God sees the heart, and He is not satisfied with a shallow, mechanical relationship with His children.

From the Old to the New Testament - everything God has done, was done so He could have fellowship with us.

It took a detailed plan, massive sacrifice, and loving patience to get us here…and He did it all, so we could be with Him.

Human history is the story of God’s plan to truly love us, by giving us a choice - and then restoring fellowship between a perfect God and His imperfect children when we fell …  this amazing feat is documented from Genesis to Revelation

Yet we cling to “human rules” and go to church to check the box…. during the worship music we think about where we are going to lunch - and drift off during the sermon wondering about our afternoon plans.  During the week we habitually complete our “quiet times” and say a quick prayer before we head out to handle the "important things" of life.

That was not the reason for the Cross. 

God has no desire to be part of your routine. He is not impressed with your church attendance record, or even your journaling…He wants your heart…He bought and paid for it.

The Gospel is about companionship.  It is the story of the massive price tag paid for your relationship with God.

Don’t allow your good habits and routines to interfere with the greatness of a relationship to a Loving Father who longs to spend time with you.

You are His child…go into the Throne Room, crawl into your daddy’s lap and let the King hold you while you rest - and let your heart cherish being with Him.

…. That is, and always has been the plan.

“Treat the Lord Jesus Christ as a personal friend. His is not a creed, a mere doctrine, but it is He Himself we have.”
-  Dwight L. Moody

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