Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Philippians 1: 27 11/6/2018*

"Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ."

I don’t have a fish sticker on my car…. It is not because I am ashamed of the Gospel. It is because I am ashamed of my representation of the gospel when I am behind the wheel.

This verse says to conduct myself in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ, but what does that mean? …how can I live worthy of the greatest message ever given to mankind?

We have been told to be perfect as He is perfect … but the entire reason for the Gospel or the “Good News” is that, even though I fail …I have achieved perfection through His holiness.

So, what does it mean to live a life worthy of that message?

It means I honor God’s holiness by never lowering the bar - but humbly forgive myself and others when we miss it.

It means I don’t water down the message, but I extend grace to myself and others when we fail.

I means I call sin, sin and walk in obedience -- not to exalt myself --- but to glorify God and help others. 

The Gospel would not be necessary if I could live flawlessly… but my perfection must be found in the blood of Jesus on the Cross.

So, a life worthy of that message is a life of gratitude and determination to please God…and a heart full of compassion for those not yet delivered from the darkness that once ruled me.

Need a goal today?  Walk in a manner worthy of the news that God has made you perfect.  Walk as a convicted sinner who has been pardoned… and be prepared to offer that same pardon to everyone you meet. 

That is the Gospel…and it changes everything.

“The wisdom of God, devised a way for the love of God, to deliver sinners from the wrath of God, while not compromising the righteousness of God.”
― John Piper

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