Tuesday, August 13, 2019

John 13:7 8/13/2019*

“Jesus replied, “You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand.”

There is an amazing amount of theological truth in that little verse.

Jesus is explaining why He is washing Peter’s feet. Reading about it now it seems foolish for Peter to argue with Him, but we often do the same thing. 

We all want God to be a part of our plan, when we should be seeking to be part of His.

We seldom understand His design because we have no desire to…We already have a strategy and our prayers are more instructional than inquisitive… they are often just a list of chores for God to do to achieve our goals.

The problem with that is we do not have the intel He has – we don’t see, or control the future as He does…so it makes little sense for us to insist on our plan, yet we do it all the time.

When Peter does it in this passage…Jesus basically says, “trust me on this one”.

So, the question is what situation is God saying “Trust me on this one” to you about?

Are there circumstances in your life that are causing you anxiety?  Are there things that you think God should handle differently?  Maybe God is saying “You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand.”

Trust Him…The hardest thing for us to comprehend is that He actually loves us. That’s hard to believe, knowing what we know about ourselves, but it is true, and it is the key to having peace. 

Peter should have realized that when Jesus said “trust me, you’ll understand later” …and so should we.

Don’t let the enemy steal your peace ..his lies are only accurate if God is unable or unwilling to deliver you, and neither is true…God’s plan is unsurpassed, and He has the power to accomplish it… He is not pacing the floor in Heaven because He is in complete control… so trust Him on this one.

It is a choice…dwell on what you think might go wrong…or dwell on the power and love of God. Trust or argue…it is your call. But know that no one loves you more than He does…and no one can do more about your problems than He can.

“God is too good to be unkind and He is too wise to be mistaken. And when we cannot trace His hand, we must trust His heart.”- Charles Spurgeon

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