Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Peter 3:15-16 8/20/2019*

“His letters contain some things that are hard to understand, which ignorant and unstable people distort, as they do the other Scriptures, to their own destruction”

Peter is talking about Paul’s letters, and this short sentence carries some very significant implications. There are three important lessons to glean from this verse:

1.    Some people want to discount Paul’s writings because they contain things that are controversial, but Peter clearly states that they are scripture.

2.    People will distort complicated scripture to suit their own purposes.

3.    Doing so leads to destruction.

This passage shows that trying to discount Paul’s letters (or any other scripture) is not a new phenomenon. It occurs when scripture not only teaches doctrine but shows how it should impact your actions.

Some people would rather change the truth, than change their behavior. So, instead of altering their lives to fit scripture, they alter scripture to fit their lives.

Peter says that is ignorant and unstable…. In other words -  it happens when you are uneducated in the Word of God, and it leaves you without a foundation.

If you choose to discount Paul’s words because you don’t like them, then you must disagree with Peter’s statement in this verse and toss it out as well…. if you follow that path you are headed for destruction.

The fact of the matter is that If you start picking and choosing what scripture you follow …you are no longer following scripture… you are following yourself.

The Bible is not a buffet – it is either God-breathed – or it is not. If God miraculously wrote it - He can miraculously protect it and defend its integrity.  Scripture, taken in context, is intended to be your guide. It is foundational.

If you intend to only follow scripture you agree with then stop wasting time with all the “theological open field running” it takes to justify your actions and just choose your own path.

But if you believe the Bible is the Living Word of God - then follow it …ALL of it.

Truth does not need majority approval, and untruth will lead you down a dangerous trail. Either follow the Bible or your own conclusions…. select your compass and get going.

"Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.” - Jesus

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