Monday, August 29, 2016

Revelation 4:4-5 8/30/2016

Revelation 4:4-5 " Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken the love you had at first. Consider how far you have fallen!"

Interesting comment to a church that appeared to be dong well.  

The Church at Ephesus had just been commended for hard work, perseverance, not tolerating sin, and enduring persecution and hardship. Many would say that is a vibrant, healthy church.

Yet even after acknowledging their work, God had a problem with them.  It wasn't "what" they were doing - it was "why"... They were serving with their heads, and not their hearts.  They had fallen into the trap of religion.

God's response to this was direct and forceful..." I will remove your lamp stand"... in other words, I can't use you to illuminate the world, if your heart doesn't burn for me.

So the obvious question to us is - why do we do what we do?  Is it from an overflow of our heart?...or have we been tripped up by religion as well?

God wants you to remember how if felt when you first understood what Christ had done for you.
He wants you to spend time reminiscing about the moment you first realized that God actually loves you. Re-kindle the amazement you had at His grace, and make sure your heart still glows with it's "first love".

Your lamp stand can only be effective if the lamp it holds burns true and bright with the gospel and the love of God.  He has no need for the light of religion and tradition.

"Consider how far you have fallen". Abandon your rituals and traditions and set out today to serve God with a heart re-ignited by the love and gratitude you have for what He did on The Cross. Do the things you did before, share your love for Christ and the amazing grace that pulled you from the darkness of sin.  This is the light God will elevate to illuminate the world.

“Light yourself on fire with passion and people will come from miles to watch you burn.”
- John Wesley


  1. I pray Jesus light shines through me everyday. Thanks for your blog! I look toward to Tuesday mornings!!
