Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Psalms 8:4 9/20/2016

Psalms 8:4 -
"What is man that you are mindful of him...?"

This is a fair question. Obviously the rest of the passage speaks to the awesomeness of God, but what about this question? Why would a Being so magnificent even be aware of something so insignificant?

The answer is our lineage.

I am a child of God, and that fact alone, means I am cherished.

When my children were born I loved them instantly.  From birth, they were immeasurably valuable to me. Before they did anything good or bad. Before they succeeded or failed, prospered or struggled ... they were loved.  Instantly, this small helpless being, became a permanent part of my heart, that has never, nor will ever have to do anything to gain my love.

If I, as an imperfect earthly father, can so easily feel that kind of Love, just imagine what
God, who IS Love, feels for you.  Stop for a moment and contemplate the depth of importance God has placed on you. Consider the incomprehensible cost He paid to deliver you from sin, and allow you to be "born again" as His.

The ramifications of being a child of God are staggering. You are never absent from God's thoughts....
it is not only that He is aware of you ... you are constantly on His mind.  He created you in His image, is aware of your every activity,  and loves you more deeply than any earthly father could.

If you have accepted God's offer of Grace and Redemption, you need not struggle for importance any longer. On the Cross He said "it is finished" - you are His child, you have a glorious inheritance, and you are cherished.

Live in the freedom of being valuable to God, and use that freedom to love others, and lead them to the same reconciliation you have experienced.

No other opinion are important to God.

“The mystery of seeking God is that HE is the One who finds you.”
― Kingsley Manuel

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