Tuesday, November 22, 2016

1 Samuel 17:34 11/22/2016

1 Samuel 17:34-35  - "But David said to Saul, “Your servant has been keeping his father’s sheep. When a lion or a bear came and carried off a sheep from the flock,  I went after it, struck it and rescued the sheep from its mouth."

This is seldom the verse we start with when we are discussing David's encounter with Goliath, but this is where the story begins.

As a young man David spent countless hours, by himself in the wilderness watching his fathers sheep. This lonely job was without status, or glamour, and yet God used it to prepare David for one of the greatest military victories ever recorded.

Unbeknownst to David his solitary hours of practice with a slingshot would one day be used to set in motion events that would transform him from a shepherd boy to a King.

What boring, mundane job is God using to prepare you for service in His Kingdom?....Like David, you don't know.  What you consider incidental may be the very thing God uses to bring glory to Himself.

Live your life aware that it is in bigger hands than yours.  Understand that there are no accidents, and no minor projects.  If God brings a job to you, do it with all your might.  Never question its worth or importance.  You have no idea what God may be planning to do with it.    The job you can't stand, or the nucense project you are so frustrated with, may be the thing God uses to change the very trajectory of your life.

Just do it well, and trust God with the results.

"Spectacular achievement is always preceded by unspectacular preparation."
Robert H. Schuller